Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius will be on January 30, 2021 until February 20, 2021.

This retrograde focuses specifically on information, conversations, and friendships. 

The information you may take in may not be fully accurate or true. Make sure to fact check or have a reliable source, before sharing this information again with others. Gossip and rumors thrive without basis, don't push unchecked media or give information out that you haven't personally looked into. Keep the word Discernment in your mind as a mantra for this retrograde.

The tone of a conversation or debate matters. You may notice that specific veiwpoints are presented in a way that makes them sound better than what they actually are. You may also find that allowing people dominate a conversation will show their true intention instead of needing to form questions. Believe when people show you who they are.

Friendships can start and end in this short period. Aquarius's tendency to get excited about people for a short time can be noticed from this retrograde. The waters of friendship can be difficult to keep interesting after relaxing into a pattern. Connections made at this time may not last, but it's not necessarily a bad thing or anything "wrong" with the individuals. Enjoy the new friendships when they happen. 

A minor note is in here toward a technology based company most likely facing a lot of flack for an oversight or a problem with their distribution of information. 

While these are the prevelant themes, Mercury RX can also be responsible for : Electronics malfunctioning or full on breaking, increase of accidents when travelling, bad contracts, and problems toward communication in general. The best way to avoid these mishaps is to take things slower than normal and become mindful of your choices in these aspects.