The Full Moon will be in Leo on January 28, 2021 at 2:16 PM Eastern Time.

This moon's energy is going to on the excessive side. Feeling overwhelmed by emotions? Do you feel uncomfortably energetic? Wondering why the mind won't stop? Can't sleep because ENERGY and THOUGHTS? The astrology at this time is to blame. 

Magic to consider for this moon cycle involves body movement. Utilize the body to achieve the needs you have. Dancing or exercise based magics may help release excess tension or thoughts if you can't focus. Going out for a walk can help clear the air if things get tense in the home due to emotions being at a heightened point. What can you do in the physical world to make your dream a reality? This may also be a good time to indulge into visualisation toward specific long term goals. Visualisation and intention toward taking physical steps help solidify the end result. Sometimes physical release means to scream, run, punch or just cry it out- EMBRACE physical action to verify the emotional aspects you feel.

You might notice you're feeling inspired in a creative sense. Finding a solution to a problem will be more welcome than trying to brainstorm something new entirely. Realizing you don't have all the answers will help you seek out the knowledge necessary to gain a good solution. Let your curiousity bring you to new ideas! Mentally staying stimulated will be easy; when it's time to turn that off and rest- it may be difficult to relax or ease into a different task. 

Keep in Mind : Keeping the mind, especially the emotional aspect under control may become more difficult around this moon. Insomnia is likely to loom, so try not to act hastily as accidents may be more frequent. The home will be the main focus of a lot of your personal energy- it may be wise to cleanse the home of stagnant energies. 

The image attached is a reminder to NOT take yourself too seriously at the moment. One of the best physical ways to release energy is to LAUGH it off. Raise your energy to a place where you can laugh. The image is the moon screaming out over a snow filled landscape. The trees seem unbothered by this release. 

Have a Joyous Full Moon!
