This is the celebration marking when the days start to peak out more from the night. The temperature normally starts to warm up slowly toward spring. This isn't to say our snow days are over, but we are starting to get away from the bitter cold of winter. While your area may not allow for planting, you may start seeing seeds for sale or peat moss for starting your garden after this holiday passes. 

While many might find this year difficult to celebrate a full on ritual, a simple candle lit with intention toward warmer days is enough. Others may have a full on bonfire where they take in the warmth of the light and embody the upcoming season. There is rarely a wrong way to celebrate this holiday. I will be lighting a small candle and reflecting on the lessons this winter has brought me, perhaps channeling, if information decides to flow to me this way. 

I am absolutely ready for the warm kiss of spring as this winter has been excessively cloudy and dreary. 

