The new moon in Aquarius will be on February 11, 2021 at 2:05PM Eastern Time.

Magic to consider for this moon cycle could be more based upon individual increase of intuitive skills. Ancestral work toward why you may thrive in certain areas or struggle with cyclic behaviors may be necessary to look further into. You may have to do a lot of dredging up of the past in order to lift the weight off the present. This is your time to start breaking past cycles and seek better options. You can't move in the present, if your mind lingers in the past.

Personal interactions may come and go with this moon cycle. There might be a lack of depth or a tiredness that looms over constant socialization or emotional conversations. The need for balance between socializing and alone time will become pertinent. It may be more fun to interact from a distance during this time, such as utilizing social medias or forums- without the need to extend more social than you're willing. Sometimes the ideas of outfit coordination, spending money, or even keeping a person entertained around you becomes too much of a burden- PULL BACK and heal, if you're getting worn out.  

This moon cycle holds a LOT of restless energy. The ideas that needing change may come forward, yet the efforts to encourage the difference may not be desired. Don't get stuck wishing for tomorrow to miss the potential of today. As there are plenty of opportunists that may swoop in and take an idea and run with it while you decide how to utilize this and that. This is partly why seeking the root of your restraints will help free you to options of tomorrow. As stated, you can't move forward in the present if you're stuck in a past mode of thinking- start working for today so you CAN flow freely. Aquarius values freedom, allow yourself to explore options without harsh judgment (Easier said than done). Enjoying a thing without the idea of productivity or perfection is a luxury many find hard to imagine in our societal structure. 

Conversations will be full and rich. You may find that the content excites you into not listening fully. Many of you are going to need to work on self discipline toward conversation, even if this isn't a usual problem for you. Devil's advocacy may also seem to rise with this moon cycle. Beware of calling for empathy for useless or futile sources- "What about this person who NEVER was told no until today, why won't you sob for their plight?" 

Art and creativity may thrive at this time. Especially, as these forms create a way to understand oneself and the world you live in. Don't allow your creativity to stifle itself under the critical mind- expression is NEEDED, even if it's just a stick figure comic or a snippy limerick. 

This new moon marks the start of the Chinese New Year into the year of the Bull! This type of year is known to be steadfast, setting down the foundations necessary to secure stability. While my horse nature may find this type of year tedious or boring, I do believe that the predictability of the Bull will be welcome moving forward. 

The image attached is a dreamy purple sky with pink clouds. Thoughts will be as plentiful as clouds in the sky during this moon cycle. Don't get carried away with these thoughts, as it can be easy to overthink or become too engrossed onto an idea. Let thoughts float on- as cloud chasing can have you miss the full perspective of what's actually in front of you. The stars in the background are the hints toward the future forward, glimmers of light in a dream can direct the future in a desired path. 

Have a blessed new moon everyone!
