Welcome to March 2021.

While many of us are exhausted from the antics of 2020, March is the month that will bring a lot of questions toward the way life is conducted. The light at the end of the journey is there, but oh honey, you're a ways away from the actual goal. Ideals are great, but the challenges of today create a wall toward the desired tomorrow.

While there's no need to panic, many of us might as the anxiety and stress may have built up too high. Breathe. Try to find a way to center yourself daily that doesn't take much time or effort. A few basic ways to center can be through use of a crystal like hematite, taking a few deep breaths in a mindful manner, or putting your feet to the dirt (if your climate allows). Too much agony from day to day living has built up, it's time to start tackling problems that sit and stare us in the face without paying rent.  

If you've been avoiding the main problem in your life, well, it's here and this problem probably has a well connected network of friends. Start making moves to face fears or more challenges will arise. There's no easy way to fix everything, but there is a shorter duration possible when you tackle things one by one. Don't go for the root of the pain immediately- it may bite you later if you decide to be too proactive. If your main problem is not from your own actions, the repercussion toward bad behavior may be waiting for you to take initiative. This month urges us to take action in our own lives to start improving the future. 

Trying to follow in the steps of the past will not work in the present. One must move forward, or they will misstep into pain. The way things were will bring pain, the way things must change will bring relief. If you feel things are off or need a second look, take heed, as these things will compile interest if ignored. 

Knowing how to transmute energy into something new will be of extra benefit this month. Instead of investing energy into pain, start investing into solving the issue at hand. Bandaids will not create the future, the future needs a completely NEW foundation. Start taking your cues from your intuition; rather than, your complacency or half assed efforts that fall flat when there's no immediate result. Pay attention and allow the future to unfold.

Fear brings awareness to what needs change. Allow yourself to push into fear for knowledge. Avoiding fear will bring more challenges. One must overcome the past in order to succeed in the present and to manifest the desired future.  Allow that fear to signal where you need to go. Shadow Work is heavy, many will avoid it only to face more and more pain. Those who work with their shadow will find their lives lighter in the long term.

May March's hard lessons bring a lifetime of knowledge and necessary change. The longer that we ignore the problems in front of us, the more they charge interest. Pay these off in full and reap the long term benefit.
