Card for the week of March 8, 2021 is the 7 of Pentacles reversed

This week stresses to take a rest. Sometimes the greatest payment you can receive are days off, less work, or a morale boost. While there may be some decent opportunities offered this week, make sure you have the actual energy to accomplish and deal with all the small details. 

Don't like that coworker that this idea requires you to work tightly with? Probably a good idea to pass. 

Demands seem unreasonable or touching on impossible? Pass.

Seems like too much on your plate? Pass it up!

If you have the time, energy, and desire to accomplish the task- Go ahead and take it! 

While money is a great motivator, it shouldn't be your only motivator. Those who find the almighty dollar to be the only reason for service will struggle with extra responsibility this week. While things are doable in a sense, the problems that arise over time may have some reconsider their choices. 

Those that value their time alone and set firm boundaries may find themselves not having the same problems. They may even offer others the same opportunities they passed on just due to a lack of personal energy. While the olive branch may be appreciated, make sure you're not offering hell in a handbasket when you meant to give someone a gift.