The Full Moon will be in Libra on March 28, 2021 at 2:48PM Eastern Time.

Magic to consider for this Moon Cycle are focused on relationships and boundaries. It may be time to burn those pink candles to bring about friendship or sweeten a connection to a current partner. Finding ways to balance yourself, be it through meditation or distinct chakra work will be helpful. Heal your darkness but don't eliminate it from your psyche- it taught you something valuable. Thank it and move forward. Harmony is brought through both light and dark. 

This moon cycle brings a lot of physical restlessness. When spring arrives, many people tend to feel the pull to go outside, even if certain areas may still remain in winter's grasp. Make sure to find ways to release pent up energy, as physical restlessness will be heavy in the air. When the physical aspect is ignored, it will find another way out, be it through emotional or mental combat. If you notice yourself fidgeting, you might find that going on a walk or engaging in minor physical activity will help reduce that. 

Socially, there's a lot of ups and downs. Casual friendships or social events may see an uptick in good activity. While on the other hand, relationships may become stifling or easy to start bickering. The amount of safety that is felt between people will signal where certain dramatics may pop up. The safer the connection = the more likely combat is to arise. The other social pitfall to avoid is jumping on the hype train. It often carries a false sense of security- does this train even have rails to travel on? 

This moon may have a lot of us using our imagination more than usual. Don't shirk away from the beauty of the mind. Let yourself walk in your thoughts when appropriate and helpful. This isn't a bad time to explore new options to introduce creative thought into your work or find new ways to express yourself. 

Boredom can be a double edged sword toward motivation. Don't allow your boredom to lead you into behavior you don't want to account for later. Just because there's approval at the time, doesn't mean the choice itself is wise. Trust that inner voice, even if it feels like you don't know what you're doing. It is far better to think things through than to regret the action later. Due to this type of energy circling, insomnia concerning regret or remorse will be heavy. 

Harmony and peace may be sought out at this time. The problem is when it comes at detriment to your true inner peace. Are you bending just to avoid the argument that you need to have? True harmony comes through honest expression of self. While tempting, you shouldn't win the war based off of hollow words. Overcompensation may go further than many realize. Are you trying to appease people due to preconceived judgment? 

Don't pull yourself into "ALL OR NOTHING" situations because you're stuck. You need to work on the mundane to ensure the desired future. Use the uptick in boredom to push for better! Use your vivid imagination to reset the norm- it doesn't have to be so dull. 

This moon has a lot of beautiful yet challenging aspects linked to it. Don't shirk away from the potential. Allow harmony to flow! 

The Art I drew for this moon cycle is the moon sighing in boredom as it gazes downward. The restless aspect is really heavy with this moon- make sure you don't miss the beauty right in front of you!  Growth of the trees show the potential for more, you just need to keep watering / tending to them. 
