The New Moon in Aries will be at its peak on April 11, 2021 at 10:30 PM Eastern time.

Magic to consider for this moon cycle would be along the lines of inspirational magic. Inspirational magic can be likened to sigils, crystals, or charms- something to remind you where to stay on track. This moon helps revitalize the masses into their own power. Light a candle with a citrus scent to keep your spirit high and your focus toward the here and now. 

This moon's main theme is communication. Who and what is the real topic of conversation. Many of us may be engrossed in a specific scandal or gossip to occupy our time. It will be incredibly easy to get side tracked or find the current task negligable. The mind needs stimulation with this moon to stay attentive- so try to make your necessary tasks interesting. Half assing things, just so it gets done might become a problem. It's not that you shouldn't finish the task, but you do want to make sure you're not setting the bar too low.  

The need for independence may strike strongly as well. The ability to not be chained or tethered could result in a lot of passive drama. When there's little going on, the mind may seek to create a catalyst. Beware of arguments that come from nowhere, as the point may not be "right or wrong" but to give the person something exciting to focus on.

Some of the things that may come forth energetically from this moon have to do with expectation and inner dialogue. Judgment may need to be pulled back to make way for understanding. Trying something new may result in dissapointment, especially if a result isn't yeilding immediately. Impatience can destroy a lot of good progress. Don't destroy what progress you have made, work toward setting frustrating activities aside as the mind can come up with a solution at a later time.

The art I made for this moon is that of charging a sigil with candles. Red candles are known to push for passion- be it romantic or work based. The sigil itself is a mild play off of the tree of life and the flower of life. Aries, a sign of fire, is supported through the candles displayed.

Mantras for this Moon Cycle : I invest my energy into personal fulfillment. I allow myself to shift with my needs. I enjoy my independence and honor it fully. I come up with innovative ideas to solve my frustrations.

Have a wonderful New Moon!
