Card of the week starting April 12, 2021 is the White Tiger (4) Reversed from the Feng Shui Tarot Deck. 

This card is all about emerging from your solitude. There's a sense of normalcy that returns this week. Many of us are elated to see some sembalance of connection being established again. 

This card also warns against getting too "comfortable." So this can be that sense of false spring- which turns back into wintery chill, so bring a jacket if your internal senses are pushing it. It is far better to have a light jacket when you need it, than to be without. Consideration goes a long way- keep this in mind when you're out and about. As many of us were taught when we were younger- leave a space as good or better than when you entered it.

If you get a feeling to skip that meet up, it is probably for the best to let it go. As most of us are already still highly cautious from several re-emergences of loosening protections to ramping them back up again. Most people are open to a change of plans, so don't be afraid to speak up if you're not feeling up to it.

It is advised this week to get a little outside time- be it through a short walk, a picnic, or a full on day of play. Allow yourself to come out into the world to feel a little sunshine or open a window to air out the winter stuffiness. Just remember, if you feel something's up- listen, intuition will guide you right toward keeping yourself safe and protected. Bring that jacket, sanitize your hands, avoid sticking in a store that has someone you may get a strange feeling about wandering about.  

The good news is that this is a FEEL GOOD week. As many of you may have been feeling the energy has been extremely volatile for the last few weeks- this week will help lift the spirit back up. Take it for what it is. Indulge in simple pleasures. (This is not a week to splurge if you weren't planning on spending a large sum of money already).

The issue that can come up this week is trying to rush through everything. This has been a problem in the past. Take the time to be mindful toward your tasks and others. This is not a week to rush or try to finish things in one sitting, as tempting as that may be. The process matters just as much as the progress itself. 

I hope you all enjoy the week ahead. 
