The Moon will be full and in the sign of Scorpio on April 26, 2021 at 11:31 PM Eastern Time. 

Magic to consider for this moon cycle would be best practiced privately. Personal Shadow work may become more apparent with this moon's influence, especially the avoided work. Scorpio energy is about embracing your personal power and not sticking to a status quo for the sake of tradition. Scorpio energy will have many people questioning their own personal habits or beliefs. Transmutation of energy or cleansing may feel stronger or more potent under this sign's influence. 

This moon will be surprising and painful for many. A lot of emotional garbage will be brought to the surface, if it hasn't already. What are you scared of and why? What power are you giving away willingly? These types of questions will help paint a clearer picture of the energy of this moon.

Tense emotions may also be rising. What are you trying to control that isn't controllable? There's a lot of lessons concerning boundaries that potentially come forward during this time. The big key here is, when you successfully integrate your lessons, the pain of the burden becomes less. Take note of what lesson keeps popping up, and see if a different approach is necessary. Arguments may circle around a topic that isn't being discussed, but needs to be.

Intuition and empathy may also be more noticeable. Pay attention to your dreams, especially ones that concern passed over loved ones. You might just find what you've been missing in there. With emotions heightened with a full moon AND scorpio's stinging energy- make sure you take some ALONE time or small hiccups can feel immensely overwhelming. 

Mantra for this Moon Cycle : I take my personal power back and will walk in pride for who I am and how far I've come. 

Have a blessed Moon Cycle!
