This candle was annointed with Gemini Zodiac oil, Cherry Blossom tea, Celestial Incense, and surrounded by Aventurine Crystals. 

May 2021 will have a staggering amount of challenges presented. The key for this month is to take things as they come- DO NOT AVOID THE PROBLEM. The more you actively try to avoid the issues presented, the heavier the burden will become. While this may seem like "average" advice at first glance, the more prevelant it will become as you navigate throughout the month. 

Take care of nagging needs, that can be the difference between a $50 fix vs. a $100 tow with a hefty bill from a mechanic. Intuition will speak through that "funky"  or nagging feeling more than the subtle nudges. 

Where you direct energy absolutely matters this month. While it is important to keep up with how the world is changing, make sure you're not indulging to a point of disgust or encouraging melancholy. The futility of life can become overwhelming when the world is burning- don't add kindling to this fire. Make sure you're the one writing the narative for your perspective, not the doom and gloom of media. Life may seem incredibly unfair or painful at this time. Light on the darkness brings transmutation, rather than allowing the darkness to fester.

The media going around this month will be intense. It can be incredibly easy to feel defeated or pained. Media brings light to the dark issues- especially those that have been needing to come forward. Acknowledge that for change to happen- a catalyst is normally needed. While a catalyst may be incredibly painful, know that without a need- change tends to get put off as long as possible. Integrate the necessary changes for yourself: be the example, not the teacher or disciplinary action to ignorance. Positive reinforcement is NEEDED more than haste or disgust. 

Because of this type of energy, SELF REFLECTION is absolutely necessary this month. Are you really practicing what you preach? You will be given the opportunity to do just that. Learn who you are and how you personally react to your challenges. A shift may be needed toward how you approach difficulty. Beware of being too stubborn toward a set belief, one that someone else set for you or one that was created for the approval of another person. Allow yourself to make adjustments to be the individual you want to be- embody that energy.

Keys toward this month are within speech and 'claiming' specific energies. The type of language you use toward the self will manifest stronger than usual- so beware of stating things that are to your detriment. Speak kindly about yourself and keep the energy flowing in a desired direction. Mantras will be incredibly helpful toward pushing a happier narrative. 

Restless energy will be very noticeable throughout the month. Insomnia will be very prevelant. Try to respect your need for rest as best as possible, even when jitteriness is in the air. Self reflection and personal quiet time is necessary, even if it seems like there's little time for it. Heal through the quiet of the night, so you can tackle the obstacles of the day. (A lovely spell for sleep I use is stating I'm going to meditate when I'm in this type of overly tired awake feeling - it works a good chunk of the time).

With Mercury retrograde starting near the end of the month, try to make sure your major documents are signed and looked over EARLY in the month to ensure the best results. This one will really be a doozy as it starts in the sign of Gemini which is ruled by Mercury- which hints toward less reliable information being passed. Check sources, especially when it comes to volatile information. Mind your words and actions, as you may find yourself needing to account for them at a later time. Words are the big "note" toward this retrograde- pay attention to word choice and connotation. 

So is this a bad month? No. It simply brings change and challenges. How you interact with these changes and challenges will set the tone this month. Those that tackle their difficulties head on will find rewards for their efforts- those that avoid their problems will find it compounds and charges interest. 

~Have a blessed May~
