June 2021 Candle Meditation.

June will be a swift month. Due to this quick energy, many people may feel rushed or pressured. Frustrations will rise as there's just not enough hours in the day to accomplish every task set out. Do try to pay attention to the clock if you have engagements of concern elsewhere. It can be very easy to be late or miss prior plans if you're not keeping tabs on time. 

Work and projects will be incredibly easy to lose time and energy on. Are you paying attention? It can be easy to overlook the smaller details when you want a result, yet may not have the patience to let the process do its thing. Results may not come through excessive work. It'll feel like there's little reward for too much work at this time. There's a need to cut back, but stubbornness toward stopping momentum. The way to circumvent this type of energy is to allow things to unfold naturally- don't force results if there's no true deadline ( Example: a person expects to have milestones completed by a certain age = no real deadline as every personal journey has its own timelines and experiences.) 

There's a lack of information with this month. This is not the time to breeze over contracts or accept things at face value. While lies will be revealed in time, ignorance will be a constant excuse for lack of improvement. It's easier to accept someone's malice when knowledge is withheld. Morality will be questioned more as time goes on- accountability is needed for things that have been hidden for far too long. Responsibility for YOUR actions will heed better results than just diverting the attention elsewhere. 

Intuitively, many may feel something isn't quite right, yet things seem to be in order. Don't dismiss these feelings, yet don't jump the gun either. You're going to want to let things play out. Divine timing will be easier to acknowledge as things start unfolding. Play it safe, don't get reckless because of a trend or idea circulating.

Don't ignore your body / mind. While energy is up- a need to utilize this energy toward your personal well-being is necessary. A minor break is needed to reinvigorate the spirit. Trying to power through a rut will bring more blocks until you shake things up for your personal benefit. If your mental state keeps bringing up a topic or theme, you may need to dig deeper into it to find where it fits into your current life.

If you start to feel like things are moving too quickly or things feel too chaotic: remember that meditation, even if it seems like there's too much to do- will help alleviate the feelings of "GO GO GO!" Many may feel ungrounded this month. This is necessary to bring attention to the problems that continue a non-resting cycle. Breathe deeply when stress starts creeping up, as this is a way to control your personal energy rather than letting it lash around or become a problem itself. 

Due to the time movement this month, it signals there's plenty of happiness / enjoyment / productivity. The key to making this month GREAT- is to not rush things and to take time for the pleasures of life. Biding your time toward long term agreements is best, especially as information may not be divulged all at once. 

As you already know, monthly readings can give you a more personal touch to the themes touched on through this channeled information. I hope you all have a beautiful June!
