The Card of the week starting May 31, 2021 is 13 Transformation.

As a side note, I find it incredibly odd that the parallel card to Death is coming up this week. It was the card of the week on the last collective reading I pulled. Reversed, yes, but strange nonetheless to see it pop up twice in a row for weekly energy. 

So this week highlights a lot of the energy that needs to shift. Unfortunately, that means a light is going to shine on problems so they can be remedied. This week will bring its own set of challenges. The key to making this a positive week is going to be with how you move with the challenges presented- will you solve the outstanding issue or keep doing the same thing hoping for things to get better? 

I pulled a few extra cards for elaboration for this week's energy- 1 of Airs, Scale of Airs Reversed, and 6 of Waters. The 1 of Airs brings forth a challenge, a difficulty, a potential. What you decide to do is up to you, the type of energy Air cards hold are very cerebral and choice oriented. The Scale of Airs Reversed will highlight energy exchange. What takes your time and energy- does it reciprocate the energy? Many of us are sick of mindless tasks, endless consumption of media, and the same ol' same ol' not giving back to us. Lastly the 6 of Waters highlights origin emotional states. Shadow work specifically may come forth with this type of energy- why we chose certain connections, react in particular ways, or overall patterns we continue for the sake of the inner child. Heal that inner child this week and doors will open. 

It's strange. The answer will be in plain sight, but it'll be incredibly easy to overlook the obvious through years of conditioning. Be a phoenix, revive from the ashes you have been buried in. Knowledge should be empowering, but for some, this will be a rough realization. Be kind to those making an effort to change, support for this shift will come from within, not from the outside. 

I look at the bones in this card, noting that they're drawing my attention. Bones are the FOUNDATION. It's time to look at foundations, even if it seems like the original build was good- you can make it better. Some foundations will no longer be able to stand as the muscle and tissue no longer support the individual. 

I sense that release is heavy with this card. Spring cleaning might become necessary in several forms. Are you keeping friends that you don't feel safe to be yourself around? Are you picking at the wounds and never allowing them to heal? Are you keeping items that are unusable just in case? Consider these questions into the next week. It will help sort out what needs to be let go. 

There's a note toward social interactions with this week. Don't get caught in a trap of "expectation" toward socialization. If you need some alone time, please take it. Boundaries may need to be considered or strengthened. Saying NO is empowering. If you have had a funky feeling or warning dream toward an individual, keep this in mind moving into this week. 

This week brings healing, change, and a new foundation. Embrace this shift. There's no need to fear something new. Have a beautiful week everyone!
