Howdy everyone!

I wanted to take a quick second to mention how the energies are feeling at the moment. There's anxiety in the air. It's hard to place where the source is, but the mild sense of dread is "not just you." That feeling of something off or just is going horribly wrong- it's widespread. There's not really a source to pin this energy on, it just is from what I've observed and discussed with those who feel it intensely. That feeling in the pit of the stomach- it's hovering over many at this time.

On a different yet pertinent note: Impersonation seems to be a rampant problem amongst popular creators, and I get the feeling it's only going to get worse with Mercury Retrograde. People who want the reward, but don't want to give personal effort. Don't accept secondary accounts unless the original account verifies it as being their own! Beware of any "side accounts" lurking offering services or product if you cannot verify their legitimacy!

As stated with the June 2021 Candle Reading- Information will be missing, things will seem off even if there's nothing specifically "wrong." This is not a bad time to run mild tests- to ensure what you're dealing with is LEGITIMATE. Test the waters as best you can- it's best to know when the water can burn and when there's something deeper waiting for you to drop your guard.

If you get that sketchy friend invite or that weird message asking you to click a link- CHECK AND THINK BEFORE ACTING! Ask for proof of that person's identity- such as where you met or the last thing you did together (this can be easier for those who don't share everything they do on social media). Don't let a simple lack of thought mistake cost you an afternoon of reseting passwords or uninstalling malware. Be very cautious toward links that feel off or don't sit right with you- if there seems to be urgency toward clicking links or giving out personal information check into the likelihood of it being a scam or phishing scheme.

Information is key with this retrograde as Gemini is KNOWN for hyper obsessing and collecting all sorts of knowledge- don't get caught on the darker end of that. Privacy is a gift in and of itself. Respect yours and don't get caught up in the hype. 

Check twice, cut once. Use this for your internet perusing and interactions with people. If you can't confirm, it probably can wait. It is far better to be safe than sorry, especially when you feel something amiss. 

Be safe. Be smart. Do your best to avoid being too trusting during this Retrograde!
