Card of the week starting June 7, 2021 is Success from the Marseille Deck. 

This card brings about a desired result. While not often considered, sometimes the exact thing you wanted isn't actually the goal- so be careful what you wish for. Caution toward manifestation is necessary, especially with an Eclipse on June 10th this week. Eclipses in the magickal world denote "CHAOTIC" energy for many. 

Cards drawn to elaborate were Clarifications Reversed, Undertakings, and Communications. Clarifications reversed is much along the lines of "You weren't specific enough," yet due to my own current bias, I see it as telling someone to leave then getting upset when they remove themselves from your presence. If you don't want it, don't say it. Others may be more than happy to oblige for these off hand comments. Undertakings shows responsibility being thrown around. One may notice a sudden uptick in their demand or find themselves busier than normal. Keep your promises this week, especially to those who have emotional investment attached. Communications states that a lot of chatter and talking is going on. Gossip is likely to wander back to the source, so do be careful with the tongue and its roaming tendencies. 

Success is usually a "good card," as it tends to denote a reward for good actions. I will agree, that there is reciprocation for previous efforts. Yet there's a tinged feeling here, like when built up karmic flow brings results in ALL directions. If you've been on a path of destruction, you may find yourself surrounded by the destruction you gathered over time. This is part of "success" as a "reap what you sow" type of energy. Keep this in mind. 

One of the experiences I had as a newbie crystal owner with a blue goldstone grew into "manifesting my misery," because that was my focus. I kept dredging up pain where I wandered. I felt this stone was cursed, but really, it was my misery manifesting the pain I kept focusing on. Make a shift. Focus on what you want, not what you expect. It'll make a difference. This is why it's key to be cautious toward your words and wishes.

I am going to make a minor note here, that I am having a little bit of family issues at this time, so I may not be as quick to do readings this week if it continues. 

I do hope that everyone has a decent week ahead and manifests POSITIVE changes into their lives. 
