Card of the week starting June 14, 2021 is the Undressing of a Salad Reversed from the Faeries Oracle. 

This week's energy is heavily chaotic. The balls are already in the air and moving, so it's easy to let them fall to the ground in panic. Don't do that. Try your best to catch things where they fall instead of hoping things just work out.

It's easy to get lost in an idea or a "justice scenario" in the mind. Don't let your eagerness to win throw things off balance. Life is just that, balance- this week has twists and turns that you need to work WITH not against. Sometimes that unlucky streak brings brilliance. 

Information is flawed. Are you too eager to believe, because it fits a narrative? Don't let your good heart get taken advantage of from those that wish to break it, or who have broken it prior. Have your guard up, but don't pre-emptively attack, let others show you who they are before acting. 

This card has the fae playing with balls, what's in or even what the ball is made out of is unknown. Trying to figure it out only stops the game for those eager to play- which will cause more harm than good. Move with the flow of the game, not against. When an object (event) is in motion, keep it in motion! Too much analyzing will only stress you and those around you out. So flow and allow. 

When thinking of the name of a card.... Undressing of a Salad- we get to the root of things. Yet because this card is reversed, it means convoluted ideas are in the air- there may be no true root within your grasp. Lies and pretty words are heavily influencing things all around. Mercury Retrograde's energy is still in play, so discernment is vital- but you can't stop the Merry Go Round just because you want to get off- only if there's a "true emergency" will things come to a halt. 

To really enjoy this week, you have to flow, even if you don't want to. Work with the energies presented, not against. Keep the ball rolling even if it seems silly or counter intuitive. Just don't do anything you may regret later. Pay attention, but don't let yourself get too caught up in any one narrative.
