The card of the week starting June 21, 2021 is 6 The Lovers. 

While this card herald improvements to life in general, the supporting cards drawn for this week create a mildly different energy to the usual cheerful energy of the Lovers. 

The Lovers is about your connections, your priorities, keeping in sync with what's around you. Are your priorities petty? Are your connections more of a burden than a blessing? What is keeping the merry go round going even though you want to get off? Pay attention and keep a leash on the emotional lashing going on. Your emotions may keep wandering into a field of pity or woe, if you're not staying in control or actually processing your feelings. 

The supporting cards drawn for this week are 5 of Potions reversed, 2 of Swords Reversed and 20 Judgment Reversed. The energy of the 5 of Potions is that of sorrow, regret, misery, and mishandled situations. The problem with this type of energy is it can make us feel like things just aren't getting better. Are you stuck in a loop of misery? Are you hoping for karma to just strike down those that have done you wrong? The energy you're investing into this type of schadenfreude may have become unhealthy. This week is highlighting the misery aspects we're holding too close and allowing it to rain on our parade. The 2 of Swords reversed signals a need for support. While you may get support you need, it may not be the type of support you want. The responsibility is your own, not that of an outside party. Sometimes the advice of an outsider only muddies the water further. While you can reach out for support, beware of putting too much expectation on the way people handle or advise the situation itself. Sometimes you'll even get called out for being unreasonable- know that while you may hurt from this type of accusation, it is wise to reflect on your participation in the problem. Lastly the energy of 20 Judgment Reversed states that while an expected outcome is here, it may not come to fruit. There's detours toward getting the justice desired, sometimes there's just too much going on for anyone else to see the devil in the bedroom closet while the kitchen is on fire. Small issues may go overlooked for the sake of the many. Winning may not come in the form anticipated either, sometimes that wish comes true through a different circumstance entirely. Let go of the need to control and let things flow naturally.  

So what is one to do with this type of rough energy? The best mode of action is patience and prioritizing the happier activities in your life. Make a point to create the joy in your life; rather than to seek happiness through the circumstances in life brings. Start seeking smaller controlled solutions that have a clear result, rather than hoping / waiting for things to fall into your lap.   

The Lovers card states this week has joy within it! You must participate in it though! If you go to a party and sit away from everyone- you can't anticipate people to seek you out. Is your approach too aloof or too circumstancial for joy to really flow? Ask yourself this as you navigate your week. Let go of the melancholy attitude/ thoughts/ feelings that you're putting in front your own happiness.

The struggle is real, but there are sunbeams of joy that peak out through the clouds. Take note of these happy moments. Seek them out. Create them if you can't find them. The more joy sought out this week, the better the results. 

This week may show you where to put your priorities. The silver lining energy is that this week brings options to shift attention away from stuck energies. Sometimes it's not about the result, it's about learning superior methods of adjusting to the circumstances. This is that kind of week. There is a push to adjust perspective and focus from the misery onto what actually matters. 

When people play games, it is often anticipated that one enjoys oneself. Life is like that. If you find yourself struggling with a certain quest or are stuck- seek out a different route. If you're not having fun anymore, it's time to look into the WHY. Is it the people on your team? Are you not paying attention the mechanics of your quest? Are you trying too hard to "win" that the game lost its fun aspects? What standards are you setting for yourself that lead into gatekept happiness?

I hope you all find the joy you're seeking this week and treasure it to the fullest!
