July 2021 Candle Prediction

This month has a good vibes feel to it. Embrace the goodness that comes forth. Life isn't all bad, but it can be easy to let that sort of mindset spoil the moment. Let yourself refill your cup!

Socially, this is a good month to get out there! Meeting people may also give way to new opportunities or joy. Allow for a shift in friend circles for this reason. Some of you may find people you vibe well with, especially mid-month. If you're single, you may find a relationship could possibly bloom through your interactions. (COLLECTIVE READINGS don't always manifest for every individual, so do not focus too heavily on this type of result for this month).

Perspective shifts are needed. June may have thrown us off the horse, but July encourages for us to get back on. Trust the flow and direction you're being led down. While it can be tempting to touch a good thing, try to just let things unfold naturally. The more touching- the less things can go in a fluid motion. Pre-emptive sabotage can become apparent the further into the month we go. The more you let fall into place, the easier and more enjoyable this month will be.

July has a much more relaxed feel than previous months. It has a free feeling, so do not fret if there's not a lot of direction. Savor your experiences to the best of your ability. Being mindful of the current moment is the best way to utilize this month's energy- not the future nor trying to ammend the past, focus on the now. There may be a mild fear that we're not prepared enough for future plans, but this is not the time to push. 

Current events may seem mild in comparison to the usual news. It's not necessarily that there's no news, but rather, progress is not usually "newsworthy." Social media may be more informative at this time, but as always, use discernment before indulging too deeply into any rabbit hole. Know your sources. 

Spiritually, many may notice their practices are more fulfilling. Certain talents or abilities potentially become more noticeable / useable. Enjoy your progress during this time. Those that have been putting forth long term manifestation may see signs of the fruit from their previous labor. 

Thank you so much for reading this blog and I hope your July is just as enjoyable as the energy from this candle! 
