Card of the week starting July 12, 2021 is the Loop Reversed!

The Loop reversed is specific toward breaking cycles and ruts. If you've been feeling like you're running in place, movement is about to push you forward with this week's energy. This cycle has gone on for far too long, it's time for something different. 

The supporting cards drawn were The Light, The Fly Reversed, and The Erase. The Light states that something has come to become a major factor in our lives. This type of energy is consuming, not necessarily "bad" on its own. While this may have been founded in the past, it has become it's own blob of egregous problems as of late. The Fly reversed touches on loyalty to a fault. Certain factors have been too controlling or too in the way. A collapse of strict or rigid ideas in favor of freedom comes forward. The Erase is the release of this energy. It's time to let go of these emotional, mental, and ideological chains. A fresh start begins through the erase, even if the past wasn't to your advantage. There is no need to bring the past to the present with this energy- so make sure you're staying present and not falling back on coping behaviors. 

I find it funny as most other spiritualists at this time have been all stating "It's time to break free," and this reading confirms that energy. I love seeing the alignment of energies like this. 

This type of energy runs chaotically. Especially for those who try too hard to cling to aspects that no longer apply. You can't use Pathagorean's Theorem for finding Pi- this is how much of a shift this is, adjustments and relearning the rules are necessary! Be aware that this week probably has a lot of emotional pitfalls to ensure you DO NOT return to things that are no longer for you. 

The big energy here is release that which no longer applies. You may find that friendship is toxic, a lover is cheating, a job is taking away gathered benefits, or a move to a new city is in order. It is going to be ROUGH, as humans prefer to stick to what they know, even if it's harmful- this is the week where enough is enough. There is a willingness for CHANGE, and this is the key toward this week- change.

Keep in mind that kindness goes a long way with these types of weeks. Be open to listening to a friend going through it. Be open to having fun, especially if you've been kicked too much recently. An impromptu act of love can go a long way. If you need an act of kindness, remember, you are your most reliable source of kindness and love!

I hope you're able to move on the fast track toward better days this week!
