Card of the week starting August 2, 2021 is the King of Cups Reversed. 

The King of Cups embodies the person who cares for themselves as well as others- reversed, there's a neglect in one of these departments. Who's benefiting who? This king can fall victim to being a people pleaser or become lost in fixing others that the self becomes neglected. Moodiness is your signal to pull away from social events or situations that don't feed you.

The supporting cards for this week were The Fool, XII Hanged Man Reversed, and the Knight of Swords. 0 The Fool is like having a blank slate, where do you want to go and how do you want to do it? While the fool tends to be on his own merry way, this individual can be easy to get caught up in the activities of others to set an idea for the self. Insecurity in worth can topple the journey early on. The big thing is the fool needs to keep an eye out for potential traps- such as agreeing to an endless unsatisfying task, becoming too caught up in thought that the reality is neglected, and being encouraged by well meaning individuals to go the wrong way for his personal journey. Don't let your journey become muddied or end too soon for the sake of people who aren't on the same path. XII The Hanged Man Reversed states that a break through is here! The tight constraints of the past have been loosened through time. While the cycle may not fully be at an end, the end is clearly in sight. Use this new freedom to invest in the self. This may be a good time to take that vacation, start some meditation, or do something exclusively for your own mental health. Lastly the Knight of Swords warns against getting too caught up in specifics or people. While you can help here and there, you are NOT the savior of those around you. The mental aspect of this week may have us on overtime trying to think of every way to defeat the games or vanquish the enemy at hand. This type of energy causes fatigue and sleep issues when you're not fully in control of your mental states and feeds into a void. 

The imagery on this card is telling. While the king is upright, there's a mutual benefit to the fish and man. When reversed, this king is being consumed from the outside. What outside issues are "eating you?" This is the perfect time to start setting boundaries or limiting time around stress inducing tasks. Perhaps a break from the doom and gloom of the news is needed? Benevolence can become the undoing of a ruler when he loses the respect of his people. Respect comes through boundary setting and stopping problems before they start with this energy in play. Don't push yourself hard for those that won't do the same for you!

BEWARE the people who take a mile when you give them an inch. They will be crawling out of the woodwork. Much like in the August Candle Reading, vampires of all sorts will be feeding- don't give pushy people more than what you have available to give. Anger toward your limited benevolence is likely- don't take this as a sign to loosen your boundary. This is the signal that it was NECESSARY

Pay attention, the time and energy you have is limited- don't give to that which hoards your efforts and resists reciprocation. I hope you all have a decent week ahead!
