The New Moon will be in Capricorn on January 13, 2021 at Midnight Eastern time. (This is night of the 12th going into the 13th as midnight can be a weird liminal space between days). 

Magical practices that align with this moon's energy can be found in a more creative niche. Use music, sound, or vibration to heal and reflect. Use visual art to inspire or create a mood. Practical magic through enchanting a pen or blessing a work area would also be ideal.

Capricorn's influence is heavy during this moon cycle, as 4 astrological signs will be aligned with capricorn's energy. You may notice yourself feeling more stable or reliable than normal. An extra responsibility at this time can be easy to take on, as acts of service might be a good way to show you care without spending extra money at this time. Control over the self may come easier during this time as well, so make the best of this energy while it's available. If you say you're going to do something, it's likely to get done by the time you say it'll get done. Aligning the home with your desires may also be on your mind- Feng Shui may help in clearing some of the the conflicting energies in the home. 

Socially, we might start seeing the effects of pre-mercury retrograde kick in. Are you aware of your speech? What is the intention behind the words spoken? You may need to re-evaluate your approach, especially as thoughtless communication can cause rifts in relationships. Stirring the pot will only make it boil over at this time. While minds are open, jarring revelations or philosophies can be considered cruel.

Things you may want to keep in mind this moon cycle : Don't take on more than what you can handle, You don't need to be useful to be loved, and to THINK before acting or speaking. 

The image attached is a digital crystal grid I believe to be beneficial toward this moon's energy. Malachite: For love and healing, Lapis Lazuli : for psychic intuition and good communication, Kunzite : For peace with self and harmony in relationships, and a crescent Moonstone : for moon based energy and intuitive guidance.

Have a beautiful New Moon! 
