This week's energy is presented by the oracle card of Fortune from the Marseille Oracle Cards. 

Fortune is all about luck based ventures, not necessarily building blocks in a sensical way. Sometimes the "right place," "right people," and "right time" matter much more than the practical efforts set forth. Keep this in mind, this week especially, if you get a hankering for doing something that may be counter intuitive or out of character- this may be your shot at something lucky. Allow yourself to try your chances within your means. Contact that friend, go to that event, or try that new thing out- the aftermath may just set something beautiful in motion. 

The cards to support the energy of Fortune this week are Presentiments, Wisdom Reversed, and Fantasy. Presentiments is an interesting card in and of itself. The card represents trusting the intuitive knowledge coming forward. It can sometimes loop or contradict itself, but it's part of the journey. Take note of that nagging feeling! This kind of energy can sometimes seem like it's going nowhere on first glance, but this is your sign to allow things to flow, even if it seems like it's taking "too long" or not quite how you believe it should be. Wisdom reversed states that sometimes the step needed isn't the one that you or others believe is the most "sensical" step. Beware of overthinking the potentials and possibilities, the entire point can be missed when you're straining over details that may or may not happen. Let it flow! Wisdom reversed is usually a signal that thought patterns are much too stringent! Close minded aspects will be challenged with this type of energy. Consider the viral video of the numa numa guy, who never anticipated his video to be so loved and enjoyed by so many people- this is kind of like that energy:  what you anticipate and what you get are two different things. Lastly, Fantasy is here to show a dream path. If you're not already doing what you love, this week, may open the door for you. A certain goal, dream, or experience is presented to you this week that has something you desire along with it. It may seem too good to be true- so yes, use a little discernment to ensure you're not being scammed, but do explore your intuitive pushes before shutting them out. You may just find that connection you needed, that one truly weird tip that works, or just have a marvelous time. 

The big take away here is that there needs to be a mild shake up. Something that doesn't seem all that important may become life changing. Let yourself indulge as you may just find it was just what was needed. 

The time is now! Act! Go with that push. Fortune rewards the bold and strange! It's not an exact science with the energy here, it's more about things just falling into place just so. Weird energy comes with Fortune, so this can be a very uncomfortable week. 

Some of you may have felt like you've been waiting for something. It's here. Take the opportunity, the chance, the idea, the experience, the invite, etc! 

Have an extremely fortunate week!
