Welcome to February 2021's Energy!

This month has plenty of potentials and opportunities available to those who are open to the possibilities. These energies are going to be quick, so if you feel something is for you- take a risk. If you feel concerned or like you should wait, listen to your intuition before taking the leap. Know when your conditioning is keeping you in place versus when it's time to free yourself! Those that ignore these potentials may feel regret later or feel a loss. 

While many of us tend to circle back to relationship as a focus for the month of February, it's not really a great time to make any long term commitments to people at this time. You may find that the fickle hand of love slaps you in the face, if you put all your eggs in one basket. This month has too many changing aspects, so don't push toward a "forever lover" but DO enjoy the company of others. 

While romantic love is off the table, other forms of love are encouraged. This can be given in several ways such as creating a gift, being generous, or speaking a kind turn. Those that receive these kindnesses may have a necessary uplift in their spirit. Small things matter, even if you don't realize it at the time. 

Lastly, you may want to use caution when working or doing anything that may have a potential danger factor. Physical injuries are more likely during this month, especially with Mercury retrograde looming. Getting the task done is not a problem, but rushing to completion or cutting corners is where the trouble waits. Mindfulness will go a LONG way to preventing these types of pitfalls.

Have a Blessed and Unstressed February!
