Card of the Week starting September 13, 2021 is 43 Geeeeeooo the Slooow.

This card is mildly self explanatory. We have some SLOW DOWN energy about to hit. This gnome's energy is patient, weirdly so, but this energy is necessary to ensure long term endeavors actually come to fruit. If you're struggling through rushing, it may be time to breathe and stop pushing so hard for a specific result and start enjoying the process. 

The supporting cards this week are 42 Myk The Myomancer Reversed, 48 A Collective of Pixies Reversed, and 61 G. Hobyah Reversed. When it comes to 42 Myk the Myomancer Reversed- we're looking too much at a big picture and missing the small necessary details. Small details can make or break a result- so be aware of where you're skimping for the sake of "doneness." Especially when it comes to guilt vs non-guilt. Just because certain evidences aren't obvious doesn't mean they're non-existant. 48 A Collective of Pixies Reversed states that you're too focused on a result, not on a process of doing. Some of us can lose passion in this sense, as we no longer are doing things for enjoyment but for the gain at the end. Stop. It's time to realize why you fell in love with certain things again through patience. Some of us may realize we never enjoyed what we were doing, but only wanted the rewards it brought, which is rarely a way to live life. Find the pleasure of life in process and action, not through a destination or result- as that creates an unhappy cycle of seeking joy not of doing what you know brings joy. The last card is 61 G. Hobyah Reversed. This card is a rough one as I do sense a lot of "black and white thinking" creating oversight where there should be more grace. Sometimes that concern over a crazy ex is warranted but with the other supporting cards- may be seen as overreaction from those that have the power to prevent terrible things from happening later. If you have a friend who's opened up to you about some horrendousness, be available to truly listen to them and DON'T brush them off. A lot of truth is dropping, but is easily dismissed with the other two card's energy at play. 

I get a strong legal let down vibe this week. Much like the vibe of how Jeffrey Dahmer could have been caught prior, if someone in power would have listened to the teenage victim that almost escaped. Glazing over because you're too desensitized to the process is common- it's time to de-glaze.

This week SLOWS down the narrative on purpose. Patience. Be open. Stop pushing for everything instantly. Let things flow naturally. You may find that extra time or effort is EXACTLY what is needed. Walls are put up for you to think, ponder and consider options. 

Focus may not be as clear as normal. Active avoidance or brain non-compliance may be rampant. Allow others and yourself the grace to ask for repeated directions or ideas. What does grab attention may not seem important until a later time, so don't just write it off. Pay attention if there's a nagging feeling or idea, it may just be exactly what you need. Also, intuitively, there's certain things being pushed aside, catch yourself before facing something that could be prevented.

Overall, this week is a SLOW DOWN period. As many of us are trained to be productive, this week pulls it back to "why are you doing this process?" Some people may find it's time to quit that hazardous job, let go of that painful lover, or that the small detail they're forgoing makes the process move faster when applied. 

I hope you all have a good week ahead. 
