Card of the week starting September 20, 2021 is the Four of Swords!

This week urges you to make time for yourself, prioritize your privacy, and break away from the crowd for a while. This is a time of isolation for the betterment of yourself and others.

The supporting cards this week are the Queen of Wands, XVIII The Moon, King of Swords. The Queen of Wands is a card where you may not realize how far things have gone. A minor ignorance is here that may make itself known. Are you teetering on burn out? Are you just going through the motions? Are you ignoring a mild ache or pain? It's time to spice things up and shake up a status quo. Take care of yourself and don't apologize for it! XVIII The Moon is about the journey itself. There are points where you *should* load up on gear, revitalize your health, and create a save point for your data. This comes off very video game like, where you're not going to be able to defeat the next level without taking a breather. Take the break and save your progress (back up your computer or save files as Mercury RX may be extra potent this round)! The King of Swords is a begrudging figure, while it may not be convienent for everyone to take a break at once, he is going to allow people take their breaks in shifts. Make sure you're willing to bend a little or do things more on your own time, if you find it hard to break away from the grind. Perhaps a minor incentive will be thrown out there for the sake of morale. This King, while intimidating, still has everyone's best interest at heart. 

Essentially, the big energy here is to take note of what you're auto-piloting through. You may need to stop investing energy where you're just going through the motions- start pushing for more "active" roles in life where you're not zoned out or invested in things that don't allow your personal control (see getting riled up about drama that isn't even yours). 

This card also signals that there's potential illness looming. This is the time where you may want to stay in from that party; especially, if you get a funky feeling. You may just find out someone you would've hung out with was contagious. If you feel not so great physically or mentally, don't brush it off! This card can be seen as a drag, but it's absolutely necessary to know when to stay home! 

This week should be seen as a "save point," where it's time to stock up on what you need and disregard things that no longer serve you. Sometimes, you forget that you're in underleveled armor: start taking note if you're noticing a trend of LEVEL 10 armor and you're LEVEL 11, perhaps you're wearing LEVEL 2 armor which is of little benefit when you're beefing up for a harder level. 

It's time to take note of what you need for the future! Have a beautiful week everyone!
