The Full Moon will be in Virgo on February 27, 2021 at 3:17 AM eastern time zone.

Magic to consider for this moon is tied to smaller details. Sometimes, the unseen details shape a clearer picture, even if they're not acknowledged or known on a surface level. You may find working with non physical aspects of magic are more aligned with this moon's energy. Spirit may nudge toward a new direction or study as well. Take note of where your interest pulls you

The prevalent energy during this full moon is to embrace your creative side. Use your talents to express yourself in a healthy manner. Art may come off more thought provoking or music may feel more potent in emotional aspects. 

 Allow yourself to fulfill your needs, even if self sacrifice may be "easier" to deal with at the moment. Don't ignore your need for sleep to make sure someone else has a venting source. Eat something easy like a pear or snack on a trail mix, if you don't feel like cooking instead of forgoing an entire meal. Self neglect is easy to take part in during pisces season- the problem is, this type of behavior builds interest and will make it harder to return to self care. 

This energy can bring about some of the darker sides of relationships- one sided or martyrdom will be highlighted. Beware of falling into the trap of "It's better than being alone," when it comes to relationships. A relationship should have significant desire coming from both parties. If nothing else, mutual respect should be clear.

There's some interesting notes toward finances with this full moon as well. Money may be more accessible at this time, to the point where throwing money toward a short term mood boost may not feel as painful. The stability created around this time helps the collective greatly. 

Vanity may seem to be a big theme with this moon as well. The social media "perfect life" may be wearing heavily on everyone that doesn't feel like they are where they want to be in life. Pull back from these illusions. What things look like vs what they are isn't in full view. You may find at a later date that the glamorous lifestyle isn't quite as beautiful as it portrays. Make your life more beautiful and desireable for your own needs, but don't compare your life to others. Every individual has a different experience.

This is a wonderful time to focus on your work projects and ideas. Especially the smaller details of your work that others may not see such as book-keeping, brainstorming, editing, proofreading, or do some practice in a desired niche- this moon cycle in virgo is helpful toward making sure the practical private aspects of work are highlighted and done correctly. 

Picture included has a mild feel toward this moon's base energies. It may be difficult to express oneself or feel more shy than normal. Emotional overload may come through tears, even without explanation. 

Have a Blessed Full Moon!
