Card of the week starting September 27, 2021 is the White Tiger 10 Reversed from the Feng Shui Deck. 

This card's equivalent would be the 10 of swords in a standard tarot deck. This states that this week has challenges. Some may even be through your own actions. These challenges are here to push you to the next chapter or level. Are you ready for a shift?

Though there is difficulty, there's a significant push toward something better after. The big lesson this week is to allow yourself time to grieve the losses- but let them go once you grieve. There's certain people, connections, ideas, etc that are falling to the side as they no longer serve purpose. 

The supporting cards this week are the Black Tortoise 3 Reversed, the Black Tortoise 8, and the White Tiger 9 Reversed. The first card being the Black Tortoise 3 Reversed signifies something is in your way. The ability to create and manifest clearly is interrupted. Tortoises being the fire wand sign in a reversed state shows a pause. This pause may or may not be chosen- yet the necessary movement is not quite flowing. There's a built up frustration with this card reversed as it just feels like your plans aren't coming to fruit. The Black Tortoise 8 shows the flow of creativity and manifestation returning. This shift signifies the blockage is going to be removed from your path. The White Tiger 9 Reversed states that you may feel a little hurt when you no longer have what was in your way. It could be a habit, a person, or an idea that had a purpose at one point for you- but over time has created a significant halt. There's some feelings you need to work through with this combo- but it is for the benefit of your personal growth. 

I do believe some of us may find that we no longer are in love. That we've been doing the motions - yet not paying attention anymore. This love can be toward people, our work, or even philosophies that others instilled in us. It's time to let go of a crutch for when you may have not had the resources- yet this crutch slows down the ability to walk when you can walk on your own. Some people may need to "leave the nest," or be forcefully removed from their comfort zone.

The way I saw this was originally "a new chapter," for many of us but I think this is more like "The new book in the series." Tie up the plot holes. You know which ones- money traps, mooches, emotionally draining friends, cut off that problematic family member, the job that creates a cycle of unhappiness, etc. It's time to push for something you want

This is a big collective SIGH of relief, but also a time of grieving what we've outgrown. Just because you're glad that part of the hassle is over, doesn't mean there weren't good times to be had. 

I do feel like a lot of information may be released with this type of week ahead. Gossip and drama may become focus points in the media. Remember that most things said in emotional states are set to create an emotional reaction. Know when you're wasting emotional energy and when you need to pay attention to the lesson this outside information is telling you. 

On the flip side- some of you may be shoved into an unpleasant reality. You may have known this is coming, but tried to ride it out for as long as possible. Breathe. You as well have room to grow and thrive- but you do need to pay for the past actions. Don't dwell if you know what part you played. Be wise and work to improve- not to exact revenge

I hope you all are able to release what you need to this week! 
