So on March 10, 2021 I'll be posting this image on most of my social medias. So why am I posting it here so early? First and foremost, I get an odd feeling about the upcoming month. Like some rough stuff is about to hit just so, for that super destructive and lifechanging storm.

 I'd rather show that this wasn't catered to the events that are going on at that time, I guess? So, you could say part of me is covering my butt and the other part is morbidly curious how well this will age by then. Intuitively, it's being pushed to that date specifically as well, which is why it wasn't posted immediately.

I would also like to share some Mantras I've come up with for March 2021's energy and WHY I choose them.

Chaos is your signal to make a change. - If you need a push, chaos is a great motivator to make a different choice. Sometimes when humans get too comfortable in a routine (EVEN IF THEY HATE IT), they'll put up with it. The devil you know is easier to deal with than an unknown for many. 

Chaos brings attention to what needs change. - Whenpeople get comfortable with things flowing in an inopportune way, they kind of just accept it. The way to bring a change is to make things uncomfortable. When pain is at the forefront, instead of complacency; the desire to make a change will be easier. Chaos is the red flag, the lightning bolt of built energy, the sinking foundation collapsing so people can make adjustments. Chaos can also bring blessings- please see removing long hair to donate it to wig makers, a lottery win for someone who never played before, or a birth of a baby. Chaos has a place, the problem is that many humans are conditioned to have too much control over their life and circumstances, but in the past year (2020) this has proven to not be the case. Our systems have been consistently uprooted to bring attention to a different aspect of reality that a stringent view of life has ignored. 

I actively choose in the decisions in my life. - One of the things that seems to be prevalent this month is ACTIVE CHOICES. So instead of letting life offer options, many will find they will need to carve an entirely new path for themselves. Those that allow life or other people to make their choices- will find themselves get stuck into a corner until they start pushing for their own liberation. An individual has to live their life according to their own personal needs and gifts. Letting life flow without active choice, is going to be a recipe that tells you to add the entire pepper shaker to your single egg. 

In order to live a better life, I need to know the details bringing my life down. - How can you create the ideal life, if you're ignorant to what's holding you back? This is something I wholely believe to the real purpose behind March 2021's energy. Here's a light on everything that contributes to your unhappiness; what will you do to change this? Ignorance may be bliss, but it also is a cage. This month urges the individual to step into their personal power, be active in their own life, and work toward betterment. 

May the themes of this month bring long term action that significantly increases the quality of life, of ALL life.  I know as a people, there's a LOT that needs an overhaul, but much of this is painful to consider or hard to work on in long doses. March brings it all to the surface.
