The New Moon will be in Pisces on March 13, 2021 at 5:21 AM Eastern Time.

If you desire to do any form of magic at this time, an artistic or emotionally charged ritual would be best. As the moon is in a water sign, intention based bathing may also seem more potent. 

Moods are strong. You need to listen to the emotional aspects during this moon cycle or they will become problematic. Release emotions rather than supress them. This sign is all about feeling your suffering and acknowledging what needs to change. Don't let your feelings drown you into moods of oblivion. Seek both the expression and solving of internal conflicts. 

As feelings are stronger, you may notice music hits in a stronger sense. Be aware that music subconsiously affects your moods, so if you seem to linger in a low space without much prompt- recalibrate your playlist to see if it helps. As much as sad songs can help us through a rough time, make sure you're not bombarding yourself with negative messages that create despair in the long term. If you need a change up of music and aren't sure where to start- try lofi and/ or ambient music without words. 

Beware of feeling like life is going too well. Sometimes when life has been traumatic (2020 anyone), when things go in a slow but okay direction, there can be desire to create extra problems due to boredom. This is not the time to rush into any life long descions on a whim. Breathe and enjoy the rest. Self sabotage and harm can run rampant when there's a belief that things should be more difficult than they are. 

People may be more empathetic in general. Be open to listening to your intuition as Pisces energy is much more "feel based" than anything else. If you feel prompted to text that one person, it might be for good reason. Just beware of being too agreeable for the sake of being liked. Your viewpoints let you know who and what is for you. Don't alter yourself to fit into spaces that may look good but don't feel good. Let go of the idea that you need to fit into spaces or keep friendships that don't suit you. 

Due to the recent shift of mars in gemini, people may seem more abrasive. Boredom can fuel a fight rather than an actual issue. Take note of the why rather than the argument itself. Is the complain valid or were things just too easy? Don't get too philosophical or read too deeply into the grievances of others if they just turned up without warning. Throwing yourself under the bus doesn't save anyone when the other person wanted that result in the first place for entertainment sake. 

The image attached is the intuitive 3rd eye releasing tears of music into the sign of pisces. You may be attracted to certain music to make sure you've let go of certain situations or people of your past. Indulge your feelings, but don't overdo it. Pain can be a wonderful motivator for art or creativity, but it can also be incredibly harmful. Know when you've reached a threshhold and revitalize yourself with good. Tears tend to fuel piscean creativity, but don't overdo it. Life will improve, absolutes don't exist in terms of emotion.

Have a blessed New Moon! 
