Card of the Week starting March 15, 2021 is the 2 of Airs from the Beautiful Creatures Tarot.

This week signals the need to balance light and dark aspects of life. Are you loving and lighting the way only to blind yourself to the ugliness? Are you ignoring the clear signs of good in favor of pain or misery? Balance comes from both knowing when to embrace the light and when to retreat into the dark. Rise and fall. One cannot be whole when ignoring aspects of the self. 

Take into consideration the usual work / play balance many of us must learn. Work is usually the greater of the two, especially in this day and age. This week, might have you realizing that you don't even get to truly play, as a phone call from work may have you come in on your day off. 

Signs of imbalances can come in many forms.

Life is a "sandbox" type of game, you can do anything, but how one achieves that is up to the individual. Are you willing to give up your alone time for a little socialization? Does loneliness make it difficult for you to exist without a partner, even when they're toxic? Consider your life choices and adjust to what you actually need, versus letting fear hide you from true joy.

 The parts of life you're feeding too much time or energy into will be very clear this week. It's time to cast off excessiveness to adjust to balance.

It's time to prioritize what matters to you. Dreams can be reality when certain sacrifices are made. Learn what you need to release in order to improve life.
