So, a few days ago, I posted on my instagram "Anyone else feeling weirdly off without cause?" and 90% of the answers were YES.

Some folks slipped in my DMs to let me know its been going on for several days prior to the post. Irritation, tiredness, and a desire to be alone seem to be the main feelings going around. 

I took a few personal days last week to see if it would lift my mood. It didn't. Everything just felt like a cheese grater energetically. I tried to seclude myself, only to find my energy was in a higher demand. I knew last week was about boundaries, so I considered myself on "break mode" on thursday until monday. 

My mood has shifted back into a neutral state, finally. I know many are still "off." While it's a difficult mood to handle, know that it's not just you. Know that many are on edge or just overall "done." 

I'm avoiding getting into arguments. I'm making minor efforts to not overwhelm myself with tasks right now- just doing whatever speaks to me in the moment. Social activity is put at a complete MINIMUM. Creative aspects need to come forward a little bit. Recreation is necessary for my own sanity right now. 

I believe fully that a large collective shift is on the rise. This irritation's source will come forward soon, but it may not be something "on the surface." We may need to create overhauls toward entire structures that have been crumbling for years- many of us are READY for this shift. Aries season should bring the energy that's been lacking the past few weeks. 


I hope everyone gets a little solace through this post. It's not just you, especially if you're feeling overwhelmed, confused, or stressed out- yet have no direct source to pinpoint. 
