OOO BOI! Is this going to be quite the month. April is full of twists and turns. 

The real key to this month is GRACE. Grace for others and for yourself. Are you allotting realistic ideals to the circumstance at hand or are you trying to cling to a normalcy or expectation that hasn't existed in years? Kindness is so necessary right now. Give kindness as much as possible- without expectation in return. A kind word can make another person's day bright. A kind gesture can create a chain reaction forward to goodness. Do not withhold the ability to create a happier existance for others as well as yourself. 

Small details are likely to be overlooked or skipped for the sake of time. April is a fast moving month- it is VERY easy to lose time. Do not fret if you're realizing that deadline is too soon- ask for the extension, if possible. Timelines and deadlines cause a lot of the stress this month. Those that can move theirs, might need to- those that can't will need to forgo some of the minor details to ENSURE they get things done. This is part of where grace comes in. Do not be harsh to those who miss their mark or personal deadlines- that includes yourself.  

This month has quite the lesson. Stretch along with expectations instead of breaking yourself or others in this "ideation" of what should be. Humans have a lot of imagination, most of it is used creating a sense of security or expectation in their adult years. While this is a valid use for imagination, the real key is keeping a creative side open. Truth is stranger than fiction, and this month brings that out. The more you cling to "IT SHOULD BE LIKE THIS" the more it's going to warp. 

April is about allowing and flowing. Sometimes the flow is weird and goes through an unknown- try to go with it best as you can. Expecting yourself or others to realize every variable- especially with the weirdness going on will bite many in the foot later. Going with the weirdness will show hidden blessings, gifts, and surprising goodness. 

Be open. Sometimes the detour is more memorable than the destination. If you need a break, take one! Humans need to take time for themselves, as difficult as it may be to break away. Unplug, meditate, or go on a walk alone to pull yourself back. Allow for a change of pace, humans are not made to run on a predictable cycle for years on end. 

I hope you all have a pleasant April ahead! This month is an eye opener. Don't let your ideation get in the way of reality. Reality is a lot less predictable than that. 
