The Card of the week starting October 11, 2021 is the Shot card from the Clow Card deck. 

This has a very "Instant karma" like energy to it, as movement is quick with this card. Impatience can come through in certain ways; as well as, hasty choices that may have longer term affects. 

The big theme with the shot card is to LOOK where you're going. Is it truly the ideal or is the potential blinding you to the reality? This type of energy can be easy to overlook, as this card has SWIFTNESS tied to it. The question to ask yourself this week is "Where am I aiming and why?" Some of you may realize where you were aiming was never a target for you to begin with. You have time to take new aims or create a new option for your shot at something better.

The supporting cards this week were the Mist Reversed, The Shield, and The Storm. When we see the Mist Reversed- this states that much of the mental cloudiness is lifted. We can see things for what they are without lies or potentials in the way. The reality is showing itself for what it is. The Shield states that some of us may need to keep our guard up, as gossip may flow more heavily right now- this is apply perspective and create some shifting. Protect what matters, but let go of what you don't need anymore. That 40lb suit of armor won't help you climb a mountain, but having snow gear might be a better investment. The shield states to protect your interests, but also realize what's hindering you along the way. Last we look at the Storm, which provides a shake up / wake up. Sometimes the only way to realize something isn't helping us is to see it in a new light or context. This can be a very heart breaking week for those who may see their lover in a new light, a family member, or a friend who may not be who we thought they were. Be gentle with yourself and others with this type of storm, some of us really didn't know that it was that bad.  

Overall this week is a push in the right direction, even if difficulties arise. Perspective is a huge aspect to this week's energy. Are you facing things or are you avoiding things by playing with meaningless endeavors? It's time to adjust the narrative back to the main story instead of playing in sidequests. Remember, you are the main character in your story- not the lover you wish to have or the children you bring into the world. So make your narrative one you want to be part of- not one you wish to avoid or hide from the world. 

A certain larger "ideal" may fall flat on it's face. It's been due for a long time now. Be open to shifting and adjusting for this change. Even if you had an old narrative holding it up, it's time to allow for better support and creating more inclusive ideas. 

I hope you all are able to progress in a way you've been seeking for some time!
