Hearth is the card of the week starting April 5, 2021. This card is all about the home, what relaxes you, what brings you peace, etc. 

Extra cards drawn for this week were Cheerfulness, Hard Work Reversed, and Troubles Reversed. These cards create a clearer picture toward this week's energy. 

Many of us have been feeling that intense energy shift for the past few weeks, only now seeing the tunnel out of the depths of personal despair. While it's hard to explain outright, the collective has been "off" to say the least. Many of us are going through increased depression, fatigue, irritability, emotional swings, or are helping those around us who are going through it. 

So this week's energy- is about recovery. We may start to feel joy seep back in. Time away from the grind may be exactly what's needed. Cheerfulness is the ability to see good and find happiness from a glimpse of sunlight during a cloudy day. The issue is self soothing of problems through problematic behaviors. You still need to address the issue, or it will grow into a larger issue. 

A lack of motivation or inspiration may also play into this week's energy. Sometimes you need to stop the grind to smell the roses. You might find you hit a wall or block toward work opportunities, especially if you're resisting a break or pleasure for the sake of the grind. Deadlines may increase the restlessness toward relaxation. A circling issue of "Why am I stressed out," yet never allowing the mind a moment to relax is a theme. 

Lastly, the Troubles reversed card hints toward a long KNOWN issue proving that suspicion correct. You might know that your furnace needs replacing, yet wait until it breaks to actually get someone in- this is that type of energy. There may be a problematic roommate who leaves their dishes for everyone else to wash- a last staw may be broken. Troubles reversed can also signal a problem that a solution may not be available to immediately.

 If you can't relax at home, then where are you going to relax?  Stress from work that is brought home could definitely dampen the ability to relax in the home. You may find that "warding the door" toward troubled outside factors might help keep your space feeling more welcoming.

This may also signal a time to cleanse the home or arrange it to your needs. A home cleanse through your personal metaphysical preferences could be necessary as the weather breaks in northern climates. Spring cleaning may also help release a lot of the winter stagnation that built up. A little time outside can do wonders for a bogged down soul.

You need to focus on what will improve the feel of your personal spaces. This is the key this week. This is YOUR space, claim it and make it what you desire. 

Have a good week everyone!
