Card of the week starting October 25, 2021 is the 5 of Earths from the Beautiful Creatures Tarot. 

This type of energy is "making the best out of what's been given." Sometimes all we have is trash to work with, so we just have to make do. When a human sees a trashcan, a raccoon sees an all you can eat buffet. 

Supporting cards for this week's energy are 18 The Moon, You Are One Reversed, and 13 Transformation. When looking at 18 The Moon, there's been long standing or foreseeable struggles. Sometimes, while considering how far away things are, we get lost and allow a false sense of security to hide the truth. The Moon has something to hide, the fact that it's in this reading shows that it's available to tap into. A hidden truth may be everything you need to realize better- for yourself or for others. You Are One Reversed signifies that too many people and things are not cherished for their individual strengths. It's easy to brush off the strength a fish has toward swimming; when you want it to climb a tree like a squirrel instead. The fish doesn't have the tools to do what's needed, but the task itself was never catered toward this fish to begin with. It may be time to allow certain things to fail or to flounder about without the aid it may be calling for. Sometimes the "cry" in the woods is a trap of something much scarier. Don't fall back into an abuser's arms, lies, or manipulations. Last, we have the 13 Transformation, which translates to the Death card in a regular deck. Death is an end. That which no longer wishes to participate in a fair game may no longer exist without massive overhauls. This may also signal that certain lessons, situations, and cycles have reached an end. What needs to end? What are you trying to hold onto that's been shown to be detrimental? 

This week is about asking some hard questions. Allowing certain realizations to sink in, this is part of the process. This week will have many of us neck deep in shadow work. Sometimes, we realize the source of our actions and methods is not nearly as stable as we once thought. It's time to re-do and re-evaluate before getting too comfortable.

As the 5 of Earths shows: Trash, skeletons, Vultures - you may find where this aspect is heavy in your life. The problem with the 5 of Earths is the "unaffectedness" that comes forth. Some people don't care in the least about how harmful things have become. This creates suffering and cycles of unease. This type of unease is coming forward with side effects, warning bells, and issues that if not caught may become a bigger problem. 

The good news is that this 5 of Earths can make do- but those who can't (see the skeleton behind her) may not survive. This card is incredibly reflective, so many of us may walk through our minds, sifting through the source of our emotional garbage- only to realize the garbage was created by someone who shouldn't have had that power. Make sure that you DO take breaks for yourself and allow your mind some joys with the ever crumbling hellscape that may be unfolding. There's still a way, even if it's harder than it should be. 

May your week be productive in clearing the clutter!
