The card pulled for this week is the 5 of Coins reversed

What I find interesting with this card in particular is the rare cicada season is almost here, so I see this as pictorally literal as well as an analogy for the collective. Especially, based on the timeframes given on articles related to that event. 

So what does this have to do with the energy afoot? Well, based off the reading itself, there's a fresh start energy given. With the 5 of coins reversed, this type of energy is about shedding away the old to make way for the new. 

The question of "Are you ready to let go?" lingers in the background. What was and what is are no longer aligned. Assumptions of the past might be found false, hold little water, or just no longer suit you. Take notice of what shifts are going on. If you feel stuck: do a little soul searching or meditation to sort out the root of your concerns. Certain people, responsibilities, or ideas may need to be examined closely. 

Over the past year, many of us have become very different people. Are you ready to step into a new pattern all together? Those that cling to old beliefs that no longer apply may be sorely disappointed by their lack of change. Much like the child who protects their heart from hurt by never stating the words "I like you" to their crush,  an adult clinging to this theory may never feel the joy of love from that overprotection. Shift into vulnerability for the sake of your own needs. 

This week also signals HEALING. Information comes through intuitively this week for the sake of healing. Daydreams may give way to a different outcome than what you had considered. The past gives wisdom to the present, but doesn't always have a set formula for every circumstance. Allow yourself to integrate the new information coming through- this will help you grow with less mental burden. 

Progress can be made this week, but only when you take the steps to make clear change. This is the signal of new start. Update your perspective to your needs and current circumstances. You may find that the burden was the apprehension, not the expression of self. Adapt to the newer version of you, but don't forget the lessons the old you has shown you. You exist differently now, but that old version of you has granted you this wisdom- appreciate that sacrifice. 

This a beautiful week. Take it easy and be gentle on yourself. You deserve appreciation for the experiences you've gone through and handled with the best knowledge you had at the time. 
