This week's card comes from the Tarot Box and is the 6 of Swords Reversed. 

While this energy is that of movement, one must view this card as delays toward an overall wish. Mind you, the wish itself is still granted, just not quite the way or in the timeframe one anticipated it in. 

I actually drew a different card from a different deck for the weekly card, but I try to keep nudity (Even if it's tasteful) down, just incase there's a shift in policies or procedures for wherever I post my weekly draws. The original card was the Iris of the Rainbow Reversed from the Faeries Oracle (You can look this card up if you desire). Which overall, these two cards are the same in message. I suppose you could say this is the exact sort of energy this week holds- minor hiccups toward progress, yet there's still progress to be made for a deeper message.

So while I look onto the 6 of swords, the message that card brought is DELAY. Even be cautious toward moving forward too quickly. Much like a sailor who wants to go to sea, that sailor needs to PREPARE PRIOR to the voyage. This is the key this week- this is your preparation week- not the sailing week. Make sure your sailing vessel (Your body) is taken care of so it doesn't break down later. Make sure you are mentally free of distractions, if you're finding yourself distracted DO go down the rabbit hole to find that inkling you're stuck on. And also make sure you're properly equipped and not using outdated products or ideas toward your journey. These are KEY factors to apply to life in general, but right as most of us are transitioning into spring and other life factors- really make sure you're ready to take on the next step. 

The other thing is, those that do decide to set sail will be blown back to shore, or worse like needing help getting out of the storm. People are going to do what they feel compelled to do, this is part of why humans need to practice compassion. Small gestures are incredibly meaningful to those who have weathered a life storm or those who are internally incredibly critical of themselves toward mistakes. Take a moment to allow others the same grace you'd desire, if you were in their shoes, even if it's uncharacteristic of you to make those choices. 

The Iris of the Rainbow on the other hand lets you see that there's an END in sight toward the current situation. Many people are FRUSTRATED and ready to move forward. This week starts showing signs of the rain's end- but remember to wait until the storm is FULLY over. The chains of the past are still here, just losing strength. Before the rainbow, the rain must fall, so if it seems like this week seems extra chaotic / difficult, that's why. 

With the Scorpio Full Moon happening Monday Night, there should be a lot of interesting topics coming to the surface. Don't bury them, embrace them as they come. This moon brings healing, but one must be willing to unite with their undesired qualities and experiences to fully heal. A flaw may be a gift in another's eye- keep this in mind toward critical thoughts or feelings. An experience may have given you a sensitivity or awareness to something where blindness was preferred. Look into your emotional / mental lockbox this week, and allow it to show you personal experiences in a new light. 

Main themes this week are : DELAY, Procrastination, Healing, Shadow Work, Spring Cleaning, Inspiration, Stuck Feelings, breaking free, Hope, Lingering, Melancholy, EXTRA attention to details, Slow progress
