Card of the week starting May 3, 2021 is the Dream card from the Clow Card deck.

This week highlights our dreams- waking and sleeping. Are you constantly feeling distracted or have a thought lingering? This type of energy can be linked to the dream as well. Dreams and ideas are messengers this week. 

When sleeping, the mind is more open to ideas and feelings that tend to be blocked out during the waking hours. There's an important message that will come through the sleeping dreams. When awake, it can be a challenge to remember a dream or keep the message in mind- which may lead to feelings of  déjà vu later on. Heed the message and the highlighted details. Just because all you can remember is a small blip of a dream, doesn't make it any less important to take note. 

When awake, "day dreams" may also provide a snippet of information that you may find wise to heed. Intuition plays best in a realm without boundaries- which is why day dreaming may provide a place of active knowledge. That nagging idea may need to be acted upon. Allow yourself to deviate from the norm- as it may prove to be in your favor.

The mindset in which we take information is important. If you are prone to anxiety or panic- I ask you to take this week's message with a grain of salt as it can be incredibly easy to create a mountain over a molehill.  While the dream card shows potentials, it doesn't always carry detail into the present. This is not really a time to "panic" or make big "moves;" instead, the information presented needs to be taken in, then proper adjustments should be considered. Don't force action, this is a time to go with a flow or idea. 

This can be a week to prevent certain issues down the road, it can be a warning week, or it could be a week where we gain information that is beneficial toward the future. This week gives an opportunity to not be blindsighted- so take a moment to try to keep dreams and dream messages accessible. Examples of keeping track of dreams can be dream journalling or using a note app on your phone to record anything that really sticks out or presents itself. 

Lastly, dreams can present what we desire and how we approach these desires. Sometimes the ideas presented in a dream is a highlighter on what sort of energy we utilize in our waking life. Are you resisting the thing you actually want? Are you sticking with misery? Are you ready for the next step, but shying away? Ask yourself what your dream states present and WHY. 

Many who find a lack of dreams may find oddly vivid ones presenting themselves this week. Pay. Attention. Take dreams as GENTLE advice. Dreams that are intense or go into nightmare states may be presenting what's being repressed or ignored. Take these dream events into consideration. The key toward this type of energy is to take GENTLE or SLOW steps forward with information presented. 

While someone as myself who does a LOT of dream travelling, may find themselves given more DIRECT information from guides or dream states. You know who you are. Just pay attention to your conversations and main feelings that come through. 

If you have a questionable dream this week, one that sticks, but aren't sure how to interpret it on your own, I suggest using Dream Moods or a dream interpretation booklet. 

While I do have a dream interpretation spread, I would only advise getting that type of reading after ample contemplation on your own first, especially this week. Messages given are going to be EXTREMELY personal.

Have a lovely Week. 

Let your dreams show you the way.
