The New Moon will be in Taurus on May 11, 2021 at 2:59PM Eastern Time.

This moon cycle seeks to indulge the body, mind, and spirit. 

Magic to consider for this cycle can be that of natural magic, grounding, or mindfulness. Natural magic such as using plants, earthing, or bonding with animals will feel extra helpful. Grounding can help clear the mind's fog- consider using crystals or practicing a form of self love. Being alive is a form of pleasure- don't get so wrapped up in the ideas of "transcendence" that you attempt forgo the experience of existence. Mindfulness can help quiet the active anxiousness that may drift in the air. Allow yourself to immerse yourself in experience, there's no need to rush through. Small indulgences may feel extra satisfying as well.

There's a restlessness that's lingering for many people at this time. This moon brings relief to the strain, but one must listen to the signs. Taurus knows the importance of rest and self love- take heed to your needs now.  Your body will be extra communicative toward its needs- pay attention! If your body is tired, give it the break it needs. If your mind is stuck, allow it to unravel what has become so tangled. 

Inspiration may flow a lot easier during this moon cycle. Use this mild boost to the best of your abilities. Insights may become easier to tap into. Write down these moments of brilliance, so you may work with them later- especially if your motivation isn't keeping up with your inspiration. 

It's much easier to listen when you stop insisting on an ideal which may or may not suit you. Order has its place, but sometimes a shake up is necessary. A new perspective may become more prevelant with this moon cycle. 

Let yourself appreciate beauty of all forms. Sometimes, it takes a moment of reflection to see the full extent of a beautiful thing. The big key that can bring this forward is to set aside judgment and just allow the experience to flow. Stop seeking imperfection and just experience things as they are. 

The image attached is an outdoor scene. Nature is a source of intense healing, knowledge, and relaxation. I highly recommend, if possible, to get outside during the New Moon. Find a spot that feels welcoming or just speaks to you. The butterflies symbolize the spirit that may communicate during this time. The tree shows the beauty of life along with personal growth. The clouds block the sun, which can sour the mood to some, but perfection isn't uniform- it's perspective. The image is a reminder that perfect conditions are relative- don't spoil the day over a small detail. 

I hope you have a lovely New Moon!
