The card of the week starting May 9, 2021 is Strength from the Tyrian Tarot deck

This week's energy comes off as incredibly strained. Stress is plentiful. Please remember to be kind as many people may be more sensitive than usual. 

Supporting cards for this week's energy are the Page of Wands, 7 of Pentacles reversed, and the 4 of Cups reversed. The page of wands shows an idea / ideal being set forth. This sort of expectation (this week) will not be fulfilled to the fantasy. The 7 of pentacles reversed can show a work avoidance or just feeling like things aren't coming together as desired. It doesn't mean that the effort isn't there every time, but sometimes the effort won't be enough. The 4 of Cups reversed may show a misunderstanding or a cruel choice of words. It may be that you did everything "correctly" but the expectation of others is too high- or the other involved was never going to be happy with you to begin with. 

Please keep in mind that a little kindness goes a far. This week may require you to be open to listening or spending time with someone who has been emotionally slapped. The key of strength is you ALLOW the emotions to be what they are, not dismiss them. Soothing comes through empathy. Empaths, you're going to feel this week strongly - melancholy may not be yours, but it will be in the air.

If you feel like your work is unappreciated, sometimes you may need to find a better place to give your efforts. As is the irony with fast food at the moment- sudden jumps in wages come through when no one gives UNAPPRECIATED LABOR. Let those who cannot reciprocate your worth sit with their choices.

Strength comes through challenges- this week will have them. Face your fears, your pains, and heal the wounds that are inflicted. There is no need to seek out these challenges, they will be ever apparent.

Change does not happen if the problem is NOT acknowledged. The problems will be acknowledged this week. Pay attention- what hides needs to come to the surface, even if it happens in a painful way. You are strong, you can overcome- but you do need to be mindful of yourself. Remember to pull away from pain- be it a person, a habit, or even reading doom and gloom news. 

Be strong. You are powerful and have survived your worst days.
