Card of the week starting November 15, 2021 is 11 Justice from the Evolution Tarot Deck. 

This week has a sense of justice based karma. Are you considering cancelling last second? It may be best to give others a fair "heads up;" rather than, backing out when they already primped up or are driving out to see you. The feeling this card has is "you get what you invest" vibe, so if you're trying to back out last second, there is likely to be a large backlash. Make sure you give others adequate notice when / if you do back out. You need to follow through this week: promises and contracts are not to be broken if possible

The supporting cards this week are the 4 of Potions, 9 of Swords Reversed and Ace of Potions Reversed. The 4 of Potions tends to poke at a feeling, usually of apathy, but this time it feels like the lack of enthusiasm is shining doubt on progress. Others may even be feeding into this doubt or trying to show an easier way. The problem is, this "easier" way isn't easy at all in practice, but it's far easier to try to stall than to do the task in front of you with this energy looming. Don't get talked out of your dream when the reality seems daunting. The 9 of Swords Reversed is all the doubts spilling forward. What could or might be can't exist with certain choices. Excessive thought and cyclic thought is going to be a challenge for many. Self doubt looms with the 9 of swords, especially when we look at previous choices that could have gone a different route. Beware of letting that need to second guess paralyze you. "The only way is through" with this 9 of swords reversed- the more avoided the task the more anxiety builds. This is a week where the words "just do it" will be easier said than done. Last, we look at the Ace of Potions Reversed. This tends to note there's a lot of feelings thrown around. For strong empaths- you need to ask "who's feelings are these" when you're suddenly shifting into a downward spiral. Some may be able to recognize that's not YOUR concern or your personal feelings. The outpouring of emotion may be a bit much for some of you, so do make sure you find healthy ways to NOT carry these with you. While isolation is an option, it is also a decent idea to set the intention of "I feel no one else's emotions while out and about" if you do need to be socializing in depth or know you're going into a difficult emotional territory. Some may find Kyanite or Muscovite helpful if they have access to these crystals to focus on their own energies.

This Justice card feels like it means business. The actions needed may be incredibly intimidating, especially with the feelings of others mixed up in some of these choices. The only feelings that actually matter in this mess are the ones directly involved in the choice- not opinions or what ifs brought on by concerned onlookers. The necessity here is to ensure follow through when there's an action in motion. What you invest in and what you don't invest in both carry consequences, make sure you're willing to deal with the results of your overall choice. 

As a side note : There may be a large backlash to an injustice with this card presenting itself with so many emotions flowing and feeling some kind of way toward a certain result or 'conclusion.' 

Based off the monthly candle : Some of you are about to be reprimanded for all that was NOT done. Where you didn't show up when needed. All that was blown off does come back to bite. There's a feeling of "too little, too late" for this week. One needs to be present and follow through on their side of the agreements- even if it seems like something mundane or unimportant in the moment. Grudges may be brought to the surface with this card. Owning up to actions, that's the real theme coming through. Can you own up to your actions?

To those coming to seek justice, you may find that the other party isn't as passionate about what you're feeling. It can be tempting to make others realize your pain to feel vindicated. The problem is when you push nothing but pain on someone because you're in pain- that person won't want to be around your hurt wanting to hurt others self. Be aware that sometimes the best action is to just release these grievances along with the connection. Cord cutting this week may help some that can't forgive, while others have forgotten / omit the sins bestowed upon the individual. Let it go: if it's costing peace, time, and there's no remedy. 

I hope you all find reliability and stability in this crazy week ahead. May your follow throughs be celebrated! 
