Card of the Week starting May 17, 2021 is XIII Death Reversed from the Necronomicon Tarot

This card is insightful in and of itself. I did not draw any other cards to explain the energy as it made itself known - potently at that.

The main thing that catches my eye with this card is the chained being. I see this as the problems we all face. It is easier to avoid this being all together; rather than, creeping up to this bloodied thing to explore why it's there or what can be done about it to relieve suffering. The key this week is to NOT avoid the issues that are brought up. We can't hide from this problem, as it's been getting louder and has brought attention upon itself. 

This week has a very strong energy toward FACING our personal problems, shortcomings, or outdated ideals. If you've been ignoring the elephant in the room, it's going to make sure you see it. The theme of May 2021 (which can be read through the monthly candle channelling post), was confronting the challenges faced as problems love to compound interest. This week's energy aligns perfectly with that theme. 

This week is about taking heed of the red flags that appear. If you're told that a certain action or veiwpoint is harmful, take responsibility for yourself then make adjustments to cause less harm. This is NOT the week to double down on bad behavior as it will come back to bite you- and it can be incredibly venomous to the point of ruin. Heed of the presented red flags can also signal realizing a relative has a harmful lifestyle, a friend may be part of a dangerous group, or a lifelong belief is NOT helpful to anyone. Those that do not heed the warning, may suddenly fall victim to difficulties that were considered harmless originally or blantantly ignored.

This week will be uncomfortable for those that dislike seeing their demons mirrored back to them. It will also be saddening to see how many people are willing to leave the vulnerable in the woods for monsters to consume just so they have a head start. Surprise, these monsters don't want easy prey- they want the ones that didn't realize they could be harmed. Not every grotesque thing is out there for sheer blood; rather, they're here to show the discrepencies. Pay attention to where the light shines, as it may just present a monster in plain sight. 

This week is a point of NO RETURN. Many are thinking the 'normal' of 2019 is the goal. While one can consider this a pleasant idea in some way, it may be more horrifying to attempt to continue life in such a manner. Strive for BETTER than what was then, that's key

May you be strong enough to face this week with integrity and bring joy where you are.
