As many of you may already know, I value TIME greatly. This is one of the few resources that continuously runs and does not replenish itself to any individual. 

Due to my own nature, I have put readings on pause for the week of my Birthday. I'd rather not have the idea of having a "reading to do" looming over me. While I do love doing readings (and don't feel called to do anything else), I also realize that time away from this type of work and activity is important for the refreshing factor. I appreciate all of my customers that seek me out and desire my services on a regular basis or enjoy their monthly readings. I will return with enough time for my customers to order June readings and still receive them before the month begins.

I'm excited for the year ahead and what it may hold. I am probably going to do some major grounding while away as well- plenty of time in nature and connecting with my body. 

I will return shortly, and will start being a bit more active again on my social medias as well as on here. I believe time away from the grind does wonders for creativity, joy, and inspiration. This is my time away, so quality can continue to be at its best. :)

Have an awesome week y'all
