December has a very conflicted energy to it. What do you want and why do you believe you want it? Some of you may realize your desire was implimented by a "one size fits all" narrative which doesn't actually suit your personal needs or desires. 

December 2021 has a "slow build" feel to it, where it doesn't seem like time is moving that fast, but when there's something that needs to be done, it'll feel like a massive crunch to complete it. Stress will be high for this reason, as well as many things not quite "showing up on time" even when adequate time was given. It may be hard to self motivate or get things done in a more timely manner. Last minute / make do decisions may have to suffice until something more "permanent" or the "real" star of the show actually arrives. Some may have the best of intentions and try to be more timely, yet find circumstances out of one's control seem to better those attempts. 

It may seem like some of us are being pulled in too many directions. Focus may be hard to keep for extended periods of time as other concerns seem to crop up when there's time to linger. It may also be incredibly easy to be distracted or lose track of time in large amounts. As many already know, cold and flu season tends to derail most good intentions when you can't focus, stand, think, or take care of yourself. Make time for yourself, or you may be FORCED to. 

As some are already aware, Venus retrograde is on the way. This is your reminder that certain people are your EX for a reason and after the retrograde ends, the cycles of behavior that made you part will continue again. Don't give 50 chances to someone you already gave a shot to- be discerning toward whom you spend your time / energy/ resources on.  Just remember, you should always UPGRADE not DOWNGRADE your standards when it comes to whom you date. This also hits in the sense of, you should always upgrade yourself and not stay STUCK in personal toxicity- because calling your harmful flaw "just who I am" is gross. Some of you may notice your friend who's always emotionally distressed in a relationship is actually happier than usual- let them enjoy their victory for this short time. As Venus rules beauty- you may want to attempt to get your hair done prior or wait until AFTER the retrograde if you want to switch up your look or get a haircut as the retrograde is NOTORIOUS for bad haircuts or accidental beauty mishaps. 

December feels like a very "busy" month, yet there's not a whole lot to actually do or show for it. If you're working on projects or ideas, this will not be the month to release them- wait if you can. There's too much "ugh" in the air for people to really appreciate efforts toward business that doesn't streamline things. Many of us will feel burnt out or completely done with the direction life is pushing. Escapism may not even feel like "escapism" anymore- it may feel like too much of a chore or duty. 

The best way to tackle December's energy is to breathe and not put too strict of standards on yourself. It's okay to breathe, rest, and let yourself sleep in from time to time. If you can't get everything done, you may find in later months things do better when the flow is not so stressed. Keep moving forward, but don't force results. 

It feels like many of us are done with a one size fit all for human desire. We may find that simplicity is much more desirable; instead of, trying to fit into spaces not technically made for humans. It's also possible that many of us find support in old friendships or connections that were lost to time. We may find our desires are completely different than the narrative the outer world is pushing, and this is where innovation is born. Take that innovation and create for yourself, you may just find others flock to your tastes. 

If you'd like a personal reading for December, the shop is open and ready for new orders!
