Card of the Week starting November 29, 2021 is 22 Law Reversed. 

This card is about the imbalance or lack of accountability set forth. Some people can almost get away with anything while others can't even breathe without the blame thrown on them. 

The supporting cards this week are 13 Communications, 11 Hard Work, and 20 Wisdom. When it comes to 13 Communications- this states this is a very communicative week. Chattiness is up while the thought process is left behind. The way this relates to Law Reversed is potentially people telling on themselves or even stating they know something is WRONG but they're letting it slide. There's 2 sides to communication, one is telling and the other is listening. When you listen, you may just find out something you hadn't realized about a friend, family member, or someone you interact with regularly. Know when it's time to talk and when it's time to listen. 11 Hard Work also presents an interesting case with Law reversed. With this energy it's likely that people who worked hard are NOT going to get the credit they deserve, but instead the praise getting cycled to those who just "present" the work. This is the time to make sure your name is on the project in sharpie. Don't let someone else steal your work! With 20 Wisdom being the last card, there's an acknowledged potential learning point here. Wisdom has a funny way of making sure their work can't be easily stolen or that their name is embedded in code to ENSURE their credit can be found if potentially stolen. This is a good week to really make sure your bases are covered in ways that someone who isn't in the "know" won't be able to erase the true creator. Many people who tend to take credit without the work may find themselves with a problem on their hands toward making something similar even though they only put their name on the project- never actually putting work into it. Let them squirm and suffer. Wisdom can also highlight knowledge of the rules and how one may have "bended" an expectation, but not necessarily broke any rule to do so.

Overall this week is about tipping the scales. The scale may already be tipped out of your favor, but you can make it a bit more balanced than it was to begin with- especially if you speak up for those who AREN'T getting the credit they deserve or help those that are significantly prosecuted. 

It's time to look at certain guidelines and see why they're "actually in place" vs. what was taught about these things. Much along the lines of laws against certain herbs or natural substances- why are they really in place and who does it harm for these rules to be enforced

While many say "rules are meant to be broken" this week, you may want to be careful as there's a lot of "tattling." You may want to keep your "less savory" actions to yourself, as it CAN bite you at a later time. You never actually know "who's side" someone is on until you present them with the counter side. 

You may also find certain areas slack with rules this week where others may be ramped up... Try to be extra careful around speed traps or knowingly difficult areas with extra enforcement of rules or guidelines. 

I hope you all have a good week and stay out of trouble. 
