Card of the week starting December 6, 2021 is the Knight of Cups.

This week confronts our personal needs and desires. Do your actions support your needs or desires? Are you running in place? A door opens by week's end through personal effort and will. Have you had enough or will you force the past into the present?

The Supporting cards this week are the 6 of Wands Reversed, the Page of Wands Reversed, and 0 The Fool. The 6 of Wands Reversed slows down the process, so we can take a look at what's really going on. You may realize that certain activities are getting in your way and are not helpful to maintain. An obstacle shows where the process needs overhaul, so don't take it personal if you realize you can do something easier or someone gives you a tip. The Page of Wands reversed shows where there's wasted time or energy. Sometimes we get caught up in "have to" and "should do" expectations that we neglect the important things. An unpleasant experience or realization brings back focus to where it needs to be. While some may feel silly or angry they missed the "point," most things can be repaired with time or work in the present. 0 The Fool signals a journey moving forward again. This is in the last position, so those that learn from their folly quickly may not even notice the first two aspects of this week. Those that take this learning experience personally may have trouble starting new or fresh. The time spent toward the next step will be minimal (for the most part) this week, but it's time we sit in our own power and glory. Many may realize they just need the right environment or circumstances to thrive which hasn't been available until recently. Be open and allow for new experiences; rather than, leaning on something that's been hurtful for so long. A shift is coming with this fool, and sometimes he helps us see the path ahead is much more fun without micro-managed planning. 

A few other notes about this week, emotional needs are more prevalant than usual. Some of you may seek more romance or connection with a lover or spouse. Other folks may find themself stuck in their personal feelings about the memories that bubble up. This is a very "feelsy" week where it may be hard to curb personal desires for the sake of progress. Don't take it personal if certain aspects aren't met, especially those desires that have never been discussed out loud with the other party. 

There's a joy that comes through personal indulgence this week. Some of you may enjoy a nostalgic candy or get the opportunity to sleep in- take it and enjoy it to the fullest! If it'll spark a sense of personal joy, don't skip it! Many may seek to self soothe in forms of toys, food, or experiences- let people have this moment and don't berate them for it. 

While the fool is a big part of this week- announcing fresh start, the difficulties attached at the start need to be addressed or they will follow into the journey forward. Some may feel overly confident and run forward, only to realize they need to unpack a lot of garbage they're carrying. A heaviness may be in the air or a tired feeling may linger where it shouldn't. Certain things will need to be released to make room for the new. Allow yourself to release heaviness, burden, and past blunders.  The present is trying to gain your full attention by having a lot of strong heavy emotions acknowledged AND accepted for what they are. 

Shadow work is rarely pleasant in the moment, but it creates a sense of peace afterward. Let yourself navigate in the dark, so your light isn't dimmed down the line. I hope you all are able to feel LIGHTER after this week.

Personal readings are available for purchase if desired. Thanks for reading!
