Card of the week starting June 28, 2021 is the Eight of Pentacles from the original Welcome to Nightvale Deck. 

The 8 of Pentacles heralds good news from previous efforts from a tense situation when this deck is used. The expected outcome turns out better than anticipated. This week, don't let your anxiety talk you out of doing something for your own needs. 

The story that this card portrays is the moment a horrified worker asks their boss for time off. The notion is passed without incident. The monster of a boss was an obstacle that almost caused the worker to NOT ask for something that was rightfully theirs to take. Keep this in mind this week as you navigate through stressful situations. Are you anticipating others to act monstrously? Are you letting something or someone dictate your actions to avoid a confrontation? What are you owed and are you rightfully utilizing it? 

The supporting cards this week are the Page of Pentacles, the King of Cups, 7 of Pentacles, and the 4 of Cups. I usually only draw three, but these all came out together, so I believe they all hold merit toward this week's energy. The Page of Pentacles is most likely how many people see themselves : Small and limited. They may feel like their actions have too much scrutiny. Money is most likely not as fluid as the usual energy from an 8 of Pentacles tends to poke at. The King of Cups states you may be pushed to do something on a strictly intuitive level. A little faith is needed, even if the task itself seems scary. Allow yourself to flow with the energy instead of trying to avoid the messages / pushes toward better for yourself. The 7 of Pentacles shows that there's various paths open and available, but it's up to you which path to take. The seed that is left in the seed packet ignored will not come to fruit. It may be time to start taking more active roles in your life. Plant the fruit you wish to grow, and sometimes that requires asking for the space to do so. The 4 of Cups brings a sense of relief to the anxiety built up from doing something new or outside of the comfort zone. The "that wasn't so bad" feeling will make you feel lighter ONLY AFTER confronting the scary roadblock. Take the chance. Those that get a rejection in response to their request may also feel a sense of relief as then they no longer need to carry the emotional burden of "what if?"

The mental energy to keep up the anxiety will be extremely noticeable. The avoided needs to be confronted. Things will go better than you anticipate. Sometimes the monster in the dark is just the weird shape of the clothes chair- take a chance. It'll surprise you! If the monster is really there, you may find it's actually protecting you rather than trying to scare you. Be aware that not everything has a strict one path of horribleness, even if the mind may venture there often with the energy swimming around this week.

With this type of energy in the air, BE ENCOURAGING to those venturing out the usual box they may have for themselves. A little risk can bring a large reward. While this isn't necessarily a financial gain- there is some potential for it. This is a week of personal growth. It may be difficult, but it will be absolutely worth the effort! Let yourself learn a little and breathe a bit more. 

I hope everyone who reads this post finds a blessing in the stresses they're going through!
