The card of the week starting December 13, 2021 is the King of Wands from the Necronomicon Tarot deck.

This king is strong in will, passion, and knows how to get what he wants. You may feel more confident or feel more aligned with your desires this week. This king has his own FIRE to guide him, so he may not always be open to friendly advice or criticism. Yet if this king listened to every single complaint or concern, he may find himself stuck and unable to do anything. It's best to listen to your own heart this week and let others do as they will.

The Supporting cards for this week are the Knight of Wands, Queen of Swords, and VII The Chariot Reversed. The Knight of Wands has us feeling driven. Your attention may be hard to keep under control. Some may feel self righteous or point out every flaw without a real solution. Beware of those who criticise others without looking at bringing reprieve to the table. Sometimes the only thing certain people want to do is cause trouble or become the one with the power- without solutions. The Queen of Swords in this deck speaks of questionable motives. Those around you may not always have your best interest in mind. You may want to consider the place these words come from before acting on them. Sometimes people just sow chaos for funzies- make sure you're not entangled in that mess. This queen will need to exercise her need for boundaries; instead of, trying to please every single person she interacts with. VII The Chariot Reversed does not tell me you're at a complete stop, but there's some construction in the way of your path. While you may not be going the most direct or fastest route, you are still moving toward the destination you desire. Don't let set-backs make you fall into the trap of the Queen of Swords or the ambitious, yet empty headed remarks of the Knight of Wands. You're still KING here, you have full control over the next part of the story. Don't let others usurp the direction you're moving due to belief that others know better than you.

Other notes that this reading has- Temptation is HEAVY in the air this week. The easiest example is falling off the strict guidelines of a diet for a cheat meal- the issue occurs when your cheat meals are outweighing the good you're doing. Cheating or questionable agreements are around, don't fall into a trap just because it feels good at the time. Know exactly what you're getting into; even though, finer details can be incredibly droll.

There's possibilities of illness taking the wind out of people's sails with this combo of cards as well. The Queen of Swords, if she's not a person, she's an illness hidden in plain view and regretting the indulgence at a later time. This is not a good time to go to a "chicken pox" party as complications are likely with this type of combo. It may also be a signal to NOT indulge in that suspicious yet spicy encounter being offered. If you have a "funny feeling" about going out or eating somewhere; it is best to heed that warning. While this isn't a full stop, it does make everything take that much longer. 

The Knight of Wands has similar imagery to the Chariot- 2 dogs pulling a chariot forward. The issue is when both dogs are barrelling toward something that the driver of the chariot doesn't desire like another animal that happens to be on the same path. Beware of easy distractions like gossip, late night entertainment, or questions of character to bait you into a fight. The distractions are what take you off course. But when both dogs are disciplined- you should soar quickly and easily without much in your way. Keep your emotions and mental state in check and the rest will follow! You are ultimately the driver of this chariot, so stay in control of yourself and take note of your surroundings.

If you're seeking your motivation, this is a GREAT week to sink back into your inspirations. If you need a push- you'll get it, but you may notice everything is incredibly slow moving. As a reminder " An object in motion will stay in motion." This is not the time to claim failure, just ask for more time.

This is a great week to brainstorm or consider your options. You just need to be careful of those who may undermine your actions or speak poorly toward you. The progress that's been halted has a chance to start moving again.

I hope everyone finds that spark that they've been missing or just gave up in the past few weeks. (If you're wondering, yes, it's be a rough few weeks for EVERYONE)
