Card of the week starting July 5, 2021 is the 3 Black Tortoise from the Feng Shui Deck. 

This deck shows the suit of wands as the Black Tortoise. The animal itself is determined to get its result. The thing with wands is most people anticipate fast movement, but overall this is more of "divine timing" at work. Everything has it's own time and pace. While walking the path, consider new routes or simplifying the desired outcome.

This week's energy is about building the foundation necessary to continue forward. Sometimes what seems like a "side quest" is needed for the story's progression. Allow for adjustments! The direction you may need to go isn't quite as set in stone as you may believe. The key to the last door may be in an overlooked area- it's time to look again towad what can be done different.

The other cards to show the nature of the energy behind the card of the week were - The World, The Black Tortoise King reversed, and the Green Dragon 5 reversed. The World shows certain aspects of life coming to a close. We no longer need to continue specific rules or traditions if undesired. The big lesson of knowing what is not desired can help us sort out what will be ideal. The Black Tortoise King reversed states that you need to trust your own thoughts and feelings on the matter. If it no longer applies or feels good- let that stuff go! Passion guides this king, and if it doesn't hold any form of fire you may need to figure out how to fan your personal flames. Inspiration and motivation will lead the way. The Green Dragon 5 (5 of Pentacles) reversed shows that break through is possible. The misery ends here; if you choose to let it go. There will be some trying to cling to it- you can't change this flow for others, but you can change it for yourself. Keep this in mind if you notice people not making great choices- you can only be responsible for your actions and choices. Life doesn't have to be hard or challenging to a breaking point. Start pushing to make life easier for yourself and those around you!

The Black Tortoise makes progress and sets himself up for good things for the long term. This week is great to do things that may bring a quality of life shift. These types of actions don't need to be amazingly life changing, but DO make a significant difference. Many may notice their happiness grow with certain adjustments or arrangments. Examples of mild quality improvements can be making lunches at night for the next day instead of in the morning, customizing your space (hanging up that print that's just been sitting their for how long?), or even using an assistant app to help you manage your time or energy better. 

Some of us have just been waiting for a sign that things are going to start moving again, especially after a rough June. This card is showing that you can start making changes that stick. It's time to push for a route that feeds the soul, not the pockets. The leaves overhead still show the old growth trying to CLING to the trees above, it can seem hard to make the shift to something new, but it'll be for the betterment of you and those involved to just release it. 

While this card doesn't necessarily bring a fix all for the collective- it does provide tools for a better quality of existance. Tweak. Make adjustments. Experiment. 

On the flip side it can seem punishing to get out of your comfort zone. Just because that online recipe for a casserole turned to mush, doesn't mean that cooking isn't your thing- look into other factors at play such as : Did they call it mushy casserole? Did you follow the recipe exactly? Was there bad reviews? Is it an oven problem? Did other people substitute everything and make a lasagna that they reviewed highly? Really look into the real root of the issue- don't get frustrated with a mild backslide which may not fully be in your control. Let yourself have time to be out of the "normal" enough to see the benefits. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead of break throughs and self made happiness!
