Card of the week starting July 19, 2021 is the 8 of Cups. 

This card is a sign the collective is moving forward. The big thing with moving forward is release of the past. The past cannot be changed. This is something many people struggle with- the past is not changeable, the only thing you can do is be better in the here and now. The thing about it is, without the past showing us a blueprint, we do not grow or remedy the issue- experience is a painful teacher that makes sure we don't repeat the past constantly. 

The supporting cards drawn for this week's energy were XVII Polaris, King of Wands, and the 10 of Swords. When it comes to XVII Polaris, this is the equivalent to the Star card in most tarot decks. This star in particular is a known guide for travellers. While difficult, know that the way things are going are part of the process however difficult it may be. Destiny is setting a scene for the reward to drop into- don't see this week as a punishment! The King of Wands is the energy people need to embody- Confident and moving forward in your own plans. He is spirited and energetic- so do keep in mind that restlessness does come with this king. You may also find your boundaries are less of a "guideline" and more of an absolute in the coming days. This is not the time to let others trounce upon you or disrespect you! The last card is the 10 of Swords. This tells me this will be a CHALLENGING week. Buttons need to be pushed, feelings need to get hurt, the reality is: it's time for a complete overhaul. Misery may be extra potent due to this- change is something humans rarely do on their own will thus many of us will have weeks that give us the strength to state "NO MORE."

Spiritually, this is a growth card. While growth is usually seen in a more positive light- this type of growth shapes the way we interact from here on out. Those that have been walked on may suddenly push others off a ledge to be free of the anguish. Those that use this time to reflect and shift will find it easier than those that refuse to look at things outside of a comfortable perspective. Yeah, it'll be an incredibly uncomfortable week. 

Those that FIGHT everything may find themselves wiped out. Destiny does NOT play. Fate does not bend to the will of a single entity. Those that seek everything to fit their idea of reality will be shaken. This is not the time to fight change- especially as this change is overall beneficial and necessary. A certain stigma may be redeemed with this kind of energy in the spotlight. 

The other thing that comes up with the 8 of cups is there's usually something getting left behind. This can be friends, relationships, jobs, ideas, shows, etc. Just as a child gets too big for their clothes- there's certain things you're outgrowing that need to be released now. Be open to this change- even if it happens to be that favorite thing or a person that was beneficial to you at one point but isn't any longer. 

The recommended action is to listen, wait, and be open to change. The door is opening with this card- but trusting the other side of the door is the true challenge. 

Thank you for reading the weekly card interpretation!
